oppo 103 換 電源
紅腸,Nanotec306 , 加頭尾 都近2K有冇大約 1K 左右落到樓介紹?
另外想問下 Belden 8471 做 RCA 線 岩用嗎? Neotech NEP-4003 Krizzzz 發表於 2015-4-13 12:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Neotech NEP-4003
係唔係 $150/尺 左右 Belden 8471 is 16awg high-conductivity copper speaker cable twisted pair.
absolutely NOT suitable 做 RCA 線 billymud 發表於 2015-4-13 13:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Belden 8471 is 16awg high-conductivity copper speaker cable twisted pair.
absolutely NOT suitable 做 ...
Thanks for you information {:1_332:}
any suggestion for the RCA cable with around $150 budget?
for Marantz M-CR510 use kclams 發表於 2015-4-13 14:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks for you information
for the RCA cable with around $150 budget --- try to get the Japanese wire from Wah-Fai la~~ {:1_351:}
then DIY the audio cables. kclams 發表於 2015-4-13 12:41 static/image/common/back.gif
係唔係 $150/尺 左右
no, should be cheaper than that
your budget is 1k wor... if $150/foot definitely out-bud ga wor kclams 發表於 2015-4-13 12:41 static/image/common/back.gif
係唔係 $150/尺 左右
Neotech 4003 $100/呎咋...{:8_365:} 請問 Nanotec306 同 Neotech 4003 之間有冇多個選擇? 要幾長呀?Supra都好平wo
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