影音小編輯 發表於 2015-4-10 12:53

iFI-Audio DSD DAC 耳擴 : Pro iCAN

本帖最後由 Post76 Admin IV 於 2015-4-13 19:24 編輯

來自英國的 iFI-Audio 是一款 DSD DAC 耳擴 Pro iCAN。它是其公司繼 Pro 系列 nano、micro、電源 IUSB 等後推出的最新代表作。此機可配合同系的 iTUBE 及 IPRE 一同使用。此種 A 類放大器用上兩組 GE 5670 真空管。另設有 XLR 平衡和非平衡耳機輸出,可推動 600 Ohms 耳機,也適用於 STAX 靜電耳機。它同時可提供 XLR 及 RCA 輸入,而前置面版則設有三個階段的增益。Pro iCAN 暫定五月中旬推出,預計將於日本耳機春季展登場,實際試感令人期待...

報導全文: http://www.post76.com/wordpress/?p=78258


Andykong 發表於 2015-4-11 12:04

來自英國的 iFI-Audio 是一款 DSD DAC 耳擴 Pro iCAN。它是其公司繼 Pro 系列 nano、micro、電源 IUSB 等後推出的最新代表作。此機可配合同系的 iTUBE 及 IPRE 一同使用。此種 A 類放大器用上兩組 GE 5670 真空管,輸出達 500W。

Headphone amp 輸出達 500W ?

patrick@wong 發表於 2015-4-12 09:05

500W really? {:6_243:}

Budget-fi 發表於 2015-4-12 10:19



iFi Audio just gave us a teaser to their upcoming iCan Pro (~$1500), which is part of their new Pro series now in Beta product specifications. "As you know, there is the nano, the micro and the mini series which has now be renamed the 'Pro series', (says the company, "which is the flagship (or helicarrier?) of the iFi range." The Pro series plans are the iDSD, iCAN, iUSB Power and others. This is going to be iFi Audio's "all out assault at the state-of-the-art and drive every headphone out there". This is said to include notoriously difficult electrostatic Headphones like Stax, yet it will require a special external and separate energizer module. As is often the case with iFi Audio, the company gets quite enthusiastic during the design phase and thus instead of making their iCAN+iTUBE, they have chosen to combine the two into a single unit. Furthermore, within the proposed iCan Pro will also be a preamplifier. Features of the proposed iFi Audio iCan Pro are selectable tube or solid-state input, a fully discrete Class A design, balanced output options on 3-Pin & 4-Pin XLR plus 6.3mm Jack on front panel. Unbalanced outputs on 6.3mm Jack (direct) and two 3.5mm Jacks with built-in fixed iEMatch attenuation on front panel to drive IEMs etc. There will be a pair of XLR inputs and three pairs of RCA Inputs plus a pair of balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs on rear of the unit. Output will be around 20V maximum, 600mW into 600 Ohm headphones, approximately 16,000mW maximum into 16 Ohm, and 6000 mW continuous output into 16 Ohm. An adjustable setting for three levels of gain will be available on the front panel. Volume adjustment will be via a balanced powered ALPS potentiometer. Of course the iCan Pro will include the company's 3D Holographic for headphones and XBass (each adjustable in three levels plus off setting). Class A operation for all stages up to 500mW/16 Ohm, pure Class A at all levels for Headphones >120 Ohm. Internal circuitry is derived from professional tube-based studio equipment, implemented in a hybrid design mixing tubes or J-FET inputs (selectable) with bipolar transistors and MOSFETS. The iFi Audio iCan Pro will have a true fully balanced dual-mono design including internal power supplies, which are handled by 15V/4A ultra low noise PSU (Generation 2, same as the company's iPOWER). An optional Electrostatic Headphone Energizer will be contained within a separate box and provide 1700V peak-peak maximum output, plus have selectable bias selectable for Stax HiFi/Pro, Sennheiser and others. The output levels are selectable too. The external power source fo the iFi Audio iCan Pro is 15V/4A DC. Vacuum tubes within the iCan Pro include two GE 5670. X-Bass will be +3dB at 80Hz, 160Hz, 320Hz and 3D Sound is at 30/45/60 degrees virtual speaker angle. User-selectable gain settings are 0dB, 12dB and 24dB. The iCan Pro is said to have a signal to noise ratio of >117dB(A-Weighted) and a total harmonic distortion of <0.003%. Frequency response is an impressively wide 0.5Hz to 500 kHz (-3dB). Dimensions for the iFi Audio iCan Pro are 220mm x 62mm X 190mm (WxHxD including feet and connectors).


pkf1234 發表於 2015-4-12 15:26

本帖最後由 pkf1234 於 2015-4-12 15:29 編輯

一機可享用兩種推動方式十分可取. 若能配用12Ax7瞻就更完美.

johnmo 發表於 2015-4-12 15:51

Budget-fi 發表於 2015-4-12 10:19 static/image/common/back.gif


Electrostatic Headphone Energizer如是用RCA/XLR輸入,可以考慮入番個{:6_210:}

Andykong 發表於 2015-4-13 02:19

johnmo 發表於 2015-4-12 15:51 static/image/common/back.gif
Electrostatic Headphone Energizer如是用RCA/XLR輸入,可以考慮入番個

入得靜電個坑,你就咪諗 iFI 了 !{:6_175:}




whitefang 發表於 2015-4-13 13:35

本帖最後由 whitefang 於 2015-4-13 13:53 編輯

吹完一餐原來Class A power得500mW @ 16 Ohm
hifi-m8 大力過佢
推平板已經可能行唔到Class A了

iFi的周邊產品都算不錯, DAC也OK, 但AMP就...{:1_327:}

edm230 發表於 2015-4-14 14:28

係wo, 得0.5Watt, 仲想萬用
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

Andykong 發表於 2015-4-15 00:50

本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2015-4-15 00:52 編輯

whitefang 發表於 2015-4-13 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
吹完一餐原來Class A power得500mW @ 16 Ohm

Post76 已修改了,不過唔係改返 500mW, 而係直情無在 Power rating 資料!

我都預左佢係 500mW,不過無去 cross checked, 諗住 500mW @ 32ohm 已經低無可低啦,點知原來係處未算低!

A 類放大,有 XLR 平衡和非平衡耳機輸出,可推動 600 Ohms 耳機,...... 咁有無人知呢部機係 600ohm 負載時單端和平衡兩個 mode 的輸出有幾多?

其實呢部檯機的驅動能力是否細過 portable 個部 iDSD Micro 好多呢?
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