AK100重生 - Gloveaudio A1 + IE800
用開ak100 + 535 LTD本來相安無事,只係限制左差唔多只係聽d女聲同柔少少取向既歌,點知有一日有個前輩係度焊部台擴,手痕拎黎聽,嘩咁正既,咩耳機呀?IE800....原來好貴wor, 不過唸左兩日,都係買佢番黎。拮部AK度,頂, 無我果日聽既感覺wor,原來唔夠力推開隻IE800...左試又試,俾我找到隻好野 - Gloveaudio A1! 本來都有d擔心,呢部機仔係港台既討論區係無人討論過,雖然鬼佬係咁讚,始終自已耳仔聽最穩陣,係真係完全升級左我部ak100既https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/t31.0-8/11130381_10155505728055601_3389366443173577927_o.jpg
本帖最後由 maleo 於 2015-4-10 03:58 編輯
恭喜入手,呢部野係咪force用AK100 optical 去A1 個DAC? 定有得switch?
如果係一定要用A1個DAC, 其實AK100加Glove個錢都可以買到好多中階DAP,起碼唔洗咁大舊呀嘛
下一步是把IE800改平衡{:6_183:} maleo 發表於 2015-4-10 03:55 static/image/common/back.gif
恭喜入手,呢部野係咪force用AK100 optical 去A1 個DAC? 定有得switch?
如果係一定要用A1個DAC, 其實AK10 ...
Yes ar...use optical port for line out and can only use A1 Build in DAC 9018mk2...The sound signature changed compare to the 8740 in ak100 patrick@wong 發表於 2015-4-10 08:30 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes ar...use optical port for line out and can only use A1 Build in DAC 9018mk2...The sound signat ...
I see... then the Glove better makes a huge improvement and hopefully can compare with DAPs with similar priCE range la haha
期待樓主進一步聽感!{:8_377:} maleo 發表於 2015-4-10 08:41 static/image/common/back.gif
I see... then the Glove better makes a huge improvement and hopefully can compare with DAPs with s ...
Quality improve quite obvious as it is an dac+amp...can improve the output power and to be better control...As i don't want to change the sound signature which i prefer 8740 sound more thats why before not go for it law.... 我無其他師兄咁好聽力,只可粗略感覺到全面有提升,力水動態強好多,無之前淋之之既感覺。本身聽開幾鍾意ak聲底,試完其他機聲底轉變大都唔係好接受到,反而呢部A1可能較到差唔多,我好鍾意 個外形同接線幾特別,想請問聲師兄部擴可否邊充電邊聽音樂? 想請問呢件嘢係邊度有得賣或試聽?謝謝 熊仔店有呀,我去過兩次,第二次去聽播歌會有少少lag, 唔知咩原因,依家自己果部無事既,DSD都播到。