wildwolf007 發表於 2009-10-2 10:26

Media Player: WD TV New Firmware (10/1/2009)



Prerelease 1.02.11 (includes all previously released updates)

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue where UI Language displayed as OFF when English is selected.
Resolved UI issue where "ContainsWWW" shows up in the search menu instead of "Contains".
Resolved MKV audio/video sync issues.
Resolved issue where songs were displayed in alphabetical order instead of track order in album view.

New features:

Added video playlist support.
Added support for unlocking locked WD external drives.

law1987 發表於 2009-11-12 13:30



Prerelease 1.03.01 (includes all previously released updates)

Resolved Issues:

    * Resolved the language displayed as OFF when English was selected
    * Resolved the “Contains” button displayed as "ContainsWWW" in the search function
    * Resolved MKV audio which was out of sync with the video
    * Resolved slow rendering of Greek subtitles in Greek character encoding mode
    * Resolved disappearance of Korean subtitle during video playback
    * Resolved missing characters from the Greek subtitle font
    * Resolved playback issues with VC-1 codec in an MKV container
    * Resolved gain being applied to audio output that resulted in signal clipping
    * Resolved playlists playing audio tracks in alphabetical order by playing them in track order
    * Resolved the appearance of tracks in alphabetical order by displaying them in track order
    * Resolved the spacing issue seen in Korean subtitles during video playback

New features:

    * Added support for video playlists functions which were limited to music files only
    * Added support for the drive lock function on the new My Passport™ and My Book® external storage devices
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查看完整版本: Media Player: WD TV New Firmware (10/1/2009)

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