Hangaround 發表於 2019-3-16 09:56

44.1khz 24 bits files, purchased online - Simply Marvelous!

psb 發表於 2019-3-16 12:37

Hangaround 發表於 2019-3-16 09:56
44.1khz 24 bits files, purchased online - Simply Marvelous!

No intention to purchase a physical format? It's a very chill-out Dido album and laid backsounding on the whole{:6_154:}

Hangaround 發表於 2019-3-16 13:41

psb 發表於 2019-3-16 12:37
No intention to purchase a physical format? It's a very chill-out Dido album and laid backsoundi ...

I actually mail ordered the US version of Dido CD but because it takes a while to arrive, I just cancelled the order and purchased the files online.

psb 發表於 2019-3-16 18:35

Hangaround 發表於 2019-3-16 13:41
I actually mail ordered the US version of Dido CD but because it takes a while to arrive, I just c ...

In this regard, you could have sourced for the files on the internet though while waiting for the arrival of your Amazon US order{:1_329:}.Alternatively, all the album tracks were made available on the YouTube for listening on the same day of its release on physical formats (CD and vinyl). That said, it is my habitual practice to get the newly bought CD ripped into WAV/FLAC/APE files myself after it arrives, as just can't live without the CD as a collection really{:1_328:}.

psb 發表於 2019-3-16 18:58

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-3-16 19:01 編輯

Dido fan 嘅你可能對呢啲 album 相關資訊有興趣{:6_157:}..., enjoy the new Dido music!!!

Will 發表於 2019-3-18 02:38


psb 發表於 2019-3-18 18:02

Will 發表於 2019-3-18 02:38

Will 兄,Japan-only bonus track 已經有得聽啦{:1_328:},本來係新大碟安排做最後一隻歌,但最尾被 Dido 抽起咗{:1_331:},日本版就原汁原味保留著首尾歌:
"What Am I Doing Here" is a track recorded for Dido's fifth studio album, Still on My Mind. Originally the closing track on the album, it was removed last-minute from all editions except the vinyl–where it appears in place of "Have to Stay"– and the Japan edition.

Will 發表於 2019-4-1 02:53


Will 發表於 2019-4-12 04:13

粉紅膠終於到拗, 好感動 {:6_165:}

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