player 發表於 2015-4-3 19:41

回顧一下 " 鐵甲奇俠 : 從 Mark I 到 Mark XLV ( 轉載 )

Prepare For ‘Avengers 2’ With a Look Back at Every Iron Man Armor From Mark I to Mark XLV

Every good superhero has to upgrade his costume from time to time. Superman lost his underwear for Man of Steel. Batman got nipples for Batman & Robin. It’s just part of the superhero job. But Iron Man may be taking his job to extremes. In just five onscreen appearances — Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Avengers, Iron Man 3 and the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron — Tony Stark has created an astounding 45 armors. We’re here to take a look back at all 45 of them (plus the odd War Machine or Iron Patriot).

After destroying all his armors at the end of Iron Man 3 (when he told J.A.R.V.I.S. to activate the "Clean Slate" protocol), Tony Stark is back in Age of Ultron with three new armors: Mark XLIII, Mark XLIV (a.k.a. the Hulkbuster) and Mark XLV. But before we get to those we need to back to Stark’s humble beginning with the original Mark I. As Obadiah Stane so eloquently shouted in the first Iron Man film, “Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!”

To get you fully prepared for the upcoming Avengers adventure, we’ll go all the way from Mark I to Mark XLV to check out Iron Man’s armored progress along the way. Some of these suits are pretty damn cool, and others ... well, you can see why Stark blew up his armory.

Iron Man - Mark

2008 - 2015

player 發表於 2015-4-3 19:53

Iron Man Armor Gallery

Mark I
From ‘Iron Man’ ( 2008 )

Mark II
From ‘Iron Man’ ( 2008 )

Mark III
From ‘Iron Man’ ( 2008 )

Mark IV
From ‘Iron Man 2’ ( 2010 )

Mark V
From ‘Iron Man 2’ ( 2010 )

Mark VI
From ‘Iron Man 2’ ( 2010 )

War Machine
From ‘Iron Man 2’ ( 2010 )

Mark VII
From ‘The Avengers’ ( 2012 )

player 發表於 2015-4-3 20:09

From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Marks IX thru XII
From ‘Iron Man 3’ (2013)

Marks XIII to XV
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XVI ( “ Nightclub ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XVII ( “ Heartbreaker ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XVIII ( “ Casanova ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XIX ( “ Tiger ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

player 發表於 2015-4-3 20:26

本帖最後由 player 於 2015-4-3 20:27 編輯

Mark XX ( “ Python ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXI ( “ Midas ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXII ( “ Hot Rod ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXIII ( “ Shades ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXIV ( “ Tank ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXV ( “ Striker ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXVI ( “ Gamma ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXVII ( “ Disco ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

player 發表於 2015-4-3 20:43

Mark XXVIII ( “ Jack ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXIX ( “ Fiddler ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXX ( “ Blue Steel ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXI ( “ Piston ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXII ( “ Romeo ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXIII ( “ Silver Centurion ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXIV ( “ Southpaw ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXV ( “Red Snapper” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

player 發表於 2015-4-3 20:55

Mark XXXVI ( “ Peacemaker ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXVII ( “ Hammerhead ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXVIII ( “ Igor ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XXXIX ( “ Gemini ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XL ( “ Shotgun ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Mark XLI ( “ Bones ” )
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

Iron Patriot
From ‘Iron Man 3’ ( 2013 )

player 發表於 2015-4-3 21:01

From ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ ( 2015 )

Mark XLIV ( “ Hulkbuster ” )
From ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ ( 2015 )

Mark XLV
From ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ ( 2015 )

the end ~

kc275 發表於 2015-4-3 22:15

{:6_178:} 就憑你呢個石黑龍金鐘罩Look已經值得加分

lkljason 發表於 2015-4-4 01:37


ploneer 發表於 2015-4-5 00:50

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