舊年未太着迷AV都會成日出外影吓相~~今年睇番個folder, 6,7,8,9月大部份都係AV野既相~~
個天係好藍(以前玩攝影forum時有d forumer會咁講), C記既landscape picture style +1-2 saturation已經會咁
假唔假(又以前玩攝影forum時有d forumer會咁講), 各花入各眼了
Take it easy and enjoy the sunny weather photos {:6_143:} ha~ 完來有大有細~ 唔好意思呢{:6_162:} 好靓!{:1_351:}
仲靓過D POSTER~! 好靚!{:6_128:} 舊年藍天真係比較多~{:6_193:}
精選作品, 唔比10分都唔得啦~ c hing, 請問 how to make the sky so blue ar? 本帖最後由 lemonstar 於 2009-10-2 21:38 編輯
c hing, 請問 how to make the sky so blue ar?
supertenchung 發表於 2009-10-1 19:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
個時d天氣已經好好, 只係用canon landscape mode + CPL 而已 舊年藍天真係比較多~{:6_193:}
精選作品, 唔比10分都唔得啦~
ahnel 發表於 2009-10-1 19:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
多謝nel兄欣賞及加分 睇完我我真係 "嘩" 一聲叫出黎. lemon兄要淡出攝影壇真係可惜{:6_140:} excellent colors!!