bbaba 發表於 2009-10-5 01:09


PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 10:32

any ching know are PioneerS320 and BD60 all-coded in blu-ray disc?

asp123 發表於 2009-10-6 10:35


PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 10:47

yes, it can, i play many divx down load from internet{:6_193:}

asp123 發表於 2009-10-6 11:04

yes, it can, i play many divx down load from internet{:6_193:}
PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 10:47
咁請問係咪要downgrade 去前d的firmware先,
再firmware 去set dvd region free, <---好重要, 我唔選ps3的原因
再live update去最新firmware,
先可以用ntfs的usb device?

PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 11:10

it's dvd all-coded when come, no need to further update firmware, i'll check ntfs issue for you when home tonight!

asp123 發表於 2009-10-6 11:18

it's dvd all-coded when come, no need to further update firmware, i'll check ntfs issue for you when home tonight!
PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 11:10
一買返來就係free dvd region 咁太好了. 希望團購都係la...
謝謝您check ntfs issue.

PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 11:34

雷因said團購version都係dvd all-coded{:6_193:}

PandaMan 發表於 2009-10-6 11:37

many friends said the ps3 head will die very soon if you play both games and blu-ray. thus, he also bought another blu-ray player for movie because he watches dvd/blu-ray a few times per week!

gunman852 發表於 2009-10-6 13:35

我部ps3 就係俾我play blu-ray batman ko o左.....{:6_140:}
早知一早分家啦....唔駛要令去sony 又等佢修理....{:6_159:}
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