pbtour4il 發表於 2015-3-27 11:53

Apollo 13【太陽神 13 號】4K UHD / BD

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2017-9-28 10:58 編輯

美版 Street Date: 2 Jun, 2015

Apollo 13: 20th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray will feature a brand new 4K high resolution remaster with DRS and color correction scanned from the original 35mm film negative. In addition to all the previous Blu-ray extras, the new edition will also feature Apollo 13: Twenty Years Later, an “all-new retrospective featuring exclusive interviews with director Ron Howard and producer Brian Grazer.” However (for those who may be wondering) there is no IMAX version and no Atmos mix. Audio is English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and Dolby 2.0, plus French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese DTS Digital Surround 5.1.

mclaren 發表於 2015-3-27 12:07


jc2ssych 發表於 2015-3-27 16:13

本帖最後由 jc2ssych 於 2015-3-27 22:21 編輯

頂佢, 剛剛入左隻鐵, 佢就出remastered版...................{:6_124:}

關大爺 發表於 2015-3-27 16:39

{:6_178:} {:6_193:}

勇者仁傑 發表於 2015-3-27 16:42


victor_wong 發表於 2015-3-27 18:49

以為會有 Atmos {:6_209:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

夜遊人 發表於 2015-3-28 17:08

我N 年前的大陸老翻精裝版 DVD 都有 IMAX 版啦! {:1_336:}{:1_338:}

pbtour4il 發表於 2015-3-28 23:16

英鐵 Street Date: 8 Jun, 2015

kc80000 發表於 2015-3-29 12:20

There is no IMAX version and no Atmos mix…   咁就要睇定啲先 Order 喇{:6_136:}


mttmax 發表於 2015-3-30 01:24

kc80000 發表於 2015-3-29 12:20 static/image/common/back.gif
There is no IMAX version and no Atmos mix…   咁就要睇定啲先 Order 喇

我個人就鍾意原汁原味, 本身套戲都係35mm, 所謂IMAX都只係Blow up DMR/70mm
就算有Atmos都會係Remix, 同原版會有差別, 當然要試過先知好與壞 {:6_142:}
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查看完整版本: Apollo 13【太陽神 13 號】4K UHD / BD

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