本帖最後由 day2013 於 2015-3-13 18:21 編輯導演 : Samantha Futerman, Ryan Miyamoto
主演 : Anais Bordier, Samantha Futerman
美國上映日期: 2015年
In February 2013, Anaïs Bordier, a French fashion student living in London, stumbled upon a YouTube video featuring Samantha Futerman, an actress in Los Angeles, and was struck by their uncanny resemblance. After discovering they were born on the same day in Busan, Korea and both put up for adoption, Anaïs reached out to Samantha via Facebook. In Twinsters, we follow Samantha and Anaïs’ journey into sisterhood, witnessing everything from their first meeting, to their first trip back to Korea where their separation took place.
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