tungkwok 發表於 2015-3-13 11:01

my cas setup

AMP:Luxman 505ux->AudioArt Power1,DAC:Marantz HD-DAC1->Isoclean Focus ->RCA: inakustik NF202->USB:Cardas clear,SPK:ATC scm11->inakustik ls603+ls603 jumper,Supra md06 uk,SolidSteel s3-3,TAOC hst-60hb

jastudio 發表於 2015-3-13 13:42

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

blackcolor 發表於 2015-3-13 14:27

Luxman 正!{:6_193:}

馬仔呢個 hd dac1 都正!之前我都好想買!{:6_127:} (不過好多師兄定係唔知道打手話垃圾.....心都傷埋!{:6_126:} )

Inakustik 最正!{:6_193:} 我都用緊佢條喇叭線!{:6_138:}


tungkwok 發表於 2015-3-13 14:44

blackcolor 發表於 2015-3-13 14:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Luxman 正!

馬仔呢個 hd dac1 都正!之前我都好想買! (不過好多師兄定係唔知道打手 ...

the most what I listen are 80'~ 90' canton,english and japanese pop as well as jazz~
the sound of marantz hddac1 is soft , the bass is fine but not very strong.

basschan 發表於 2015-3-13 15:12

ching 想請教下marantz 高中低有什麼評價?

blackcolor 發表於 2015-3-13 16:45

tungkwok 發表於 2015-3-13 14:44 static/image/common/back.gif
the most what I listen are 80'~ 90' canton,english and japanese pop as well as jazz~
the sound of ...



panerai 發表於 2015-3-13 17:43

Got that TAOC finally, Congrat !{:1_264:}

tungkwok 發表於 2015-3-13 18:55

panerai 發表於 2015-3-13 17:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Got that TAOC finally, Congrat !

Thks. next target is to upgrade the DAC arround 20-30k. (dc-37 is a good choice)

tsekk 發表於 2015-3-13 22:15

how much for whole set?

momolee 發表於 2015-3-13 22:40

本帖最後由 momolee 於 2015-3-13 22:44 編輯

Luxman 505ux 夠推ATC SM11 嗎?{:1_253:}
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