supergundam 發表於 2009-10-8 09:41

Thx you very much

ray113 發表於 2009-10-8 10:53

Just want to chip in about B&W pricing. If you have the wealth management card from BOC (forgot the exact name, maybe called "Prime Wealth"), you can get extra 5% (on top of the 10%) when you purchase from dealer.

I also support 804S.

Kelvin 發表於 2009-10-8 12:56

01. chhanthony: F: 704 C: HTM7 S: DM600S3
02. Cyberken: F: 805s C: FPM5
03. 688: 805s
04. Ep-71 : B&W 802 Matrix S3   + HTM +DS6 (N年前)
05. 245141525 : F: 684 C: HTM62
06. kennnnnn:N805
07. kfai: B&W 704
08. danlam : 804c
09. manx1118 :804s
10. yin206 : DM603 (N年前)
11. mattcham :C: CC6 S2:
12. MR.HO:F:之前N804現在803S >C:HTM-1>S:CMD-SNT>SB:LM-1
13. -stone-:684+HTM61
14. andy88 :N804 HTM2 SCM1
15. M804CNCSD6-S3
16. sunnyt: Front: B&W-SPECTRUM (13年前)-書架形
17. toutou0690 :(M1) for computer use
18. wwhcfy: 685 + HTM62 + DS3
19. hit87761: 804s
20. lukalok: DM303 (9年前)
21. devilfeifei:804
22. Fungsin: CM1
23. pigpighung( 805s聽hi-fi)+(cdm7+7仔中置AV用)
24. 里奧 : CM1
25. kelvin : XT4

supergundam 發表於 2009-10-9 08:22

以我記得 683 兩萬幾 CM9 三萬幾 804S 四萬幾
chhanthony 發表於 2009-10-8 09:17
想問一問各Series之座地前置喇叭(683, CM9, 804s)的鑑賞空間是多少呎?
及一問以上座地前置喇叭(683, CM9, 804s)要用多少W數去推?
問完各師兄後, 有些叫我買683, 有些叫我直接買804s. 真叫人心煩, 而本身之客廳大約(10'x10')及不知用邊0的Amp去推

bluraydisc 發表於 2009-10-10 01:03

01. chhanthony: F: 704 C: HTM7 S: DM600S3
02. Cyberken: F: 805s C: FPM5
03. 688: 805s
04. Ep-71 : B&W 802 Matrix S3   + HTM +DS6 (N年前)
05. 245141525 : F: 684 C: HTM62
06. kennnnnn:N805
07. kfai: B&W 704
08. danlam : 804c
09. manx1118 :804s
10. yin206 : DM603 (N年前)
11. mattcham :C: CC6 S2:
12. MR.HO:F:之前N804現在803S >C:HTM-1>S:CMD-SNT>SB:LM-1
13. -stone-:684+HTM61
14. andy88 :N804 HTM2 SCM1
15. M804CNCSD6-S3
16. sunnyt: Front: B&W-SPECTRUM (13年前)-書架形
17. toutou0690 :(M1) for computer use
18. wwhcfy: 685 + HTM62 + DS3
19. hit87761: 804s
20. lukalok: DM303 (9年前)
21. devilfeifei:804
22. Fungsin: CM1
23. pigpighung( 805s聽hi-fi)+(cdm7+7仔中置AV用)
24. 里奧 : CM1
25. kelvin : XT4
26. bluraydisc: P6 + LCR60S3 + SOLID (N年前)

AV新丁 發表於 2009-10-10 19:43

01. chhanthony: F: 704 C: HTM7 S: DM600S3
02. Cyberken: F: 805s C: FPM5
03. 688: 805s
04. Ep-71 : B&W 802 Matrix S3   + HTM +DS6 (N年前)
05. 245141525 : F: 684 C: HTM62
06. kennnnnn:N805
07. kfai: B&W 704
08. danlam : 804c
09. manx1118 :804s
10. yin206 : DM603 (N年前)
11. mattcham :C: CC6 S2:
12. MR.HO:F:之前N804現在803S >C:HTM-1>S:CMD-SNT>SB:LM-1
13. -stone-:684+HTM61
14. andy88 :N804 HTM2 SCM1
15. M804CNCSD6-S3
16. sunnyt: Front: B&W-SPECTRUM (13年前)-書架形
17. toutou0690 :(M1) for computer use
18. wwhcfy: 685 + HTM62 + DS3
19. hit87761: 804s
20. lukalok: DM303 (9年前)
21. devilfeifei:804
22. Fungsin: CM1
23. pigpighung( 805s聽hi-fi)+(cdm7+7仔中置AV用)
24. 里奧 : CM1
25. kelvin : XT4
26. bluraydisc: P6 + LCR60S3 + SOLID (N年前)
27. tailulu :F: N802C: FCM8S: FCM8 X 2
28. AV新丁: CM7+中置CMC

sk555 發表於 2009-10-12 04:29

HI all,
I'm an newbie to AV.
I'm planning to buy CM7 very soon. My plan is play 7.1 sr.,rest of those sr speakers will buy later, want to listen how the performance will be. my usage is 70% for music and 30% for movie. my listening space is w13' x D10'. I just order an AV reciever SR6004,if this av amp is not powerful enough to push this speaker, I may buy an power amp in the future.
I really need some opinion from all u experienced user.

Thanks to all u guys! :)

AV新丁 發表於 2009-10-14 22:56

70% for music and 30% for movie. CM7 is good {:6_127:}

supergundam 發表於 2009-10-15 10:02

Just want to chip in about B&W pricing. If you have the wealth management card from BOC (forgot the exact name, maybe called "Prime Wealth"), you can get extra 5% (on top of the 10%) when you purchase ...
ray113 發表於 2009-10-8 10:53

I aslo want to buy 804s, but the sales said that 804s should not fully operate in my living room 10'x10', waste the B&W 804s speakers. I can afford it

supergundam 發表於 2009-10-19 18:08

各 804s 同 805s 的師兄, 想問一問閣下之 Amp 同 聆聽空間, 可否解答, 幫幫B&W新手的我
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