kl122002 發表於 2015-3-5 20:11

Maxis 被EA關門

來自Polygon: http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/4/8149791/ea-closes-maxis-simcity-the-sims
EA剛公告, 正式了結旗下的Maxis

{:6_124:} Oh shit.


Today we are consolidating Maxis IP development to our studios in Redwood Shores, Salt Lake City, Helsinki and Melbourne locations as we close our Emeryville location. Maxis continues to support and develop new experiences for current Sims and SimCity players, while expanding our franchises to new platforms and developing new cross-platform IP.

These changes do not impact our plans for The Sims. Players will continue to see rich new experiences in The Sims 4, with our first expansion pack coming soon along with a full slate of additional updates and content in the pipeline.

All employees impacted by the changes today will be given opportunities to explore other positions within the Maxis studios and throughout EA. For those that are leaving the company, we are working to ensure the best possible transition with separation packages and career assistance.

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2015-3-5 21:20

財團真本色。哩類game本來已經冇以前咁好賺,Sims 4仲要咁趕客...

唸返起當年Ensemble Studios整完Halo Wars之後又收咗皮,之後就冇續集出。希望Sims唔會歷史重演~


kl122002 發表於 2015-3-5 21:40

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2015-3-5 21:20 static/image/common/back.gif
財團真本色。哩類game本來已經冇以前咁好賺,Sims 4仲要咁趕客...

唸返起當年Ensemble Studios整完Halo Wa ...


我對EA不太寄望了, 以前有maxis + sims仲叫可以望下, 現在...真是不知說什麼了.
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