HDMI 2.0問題
本帖最後由 thxdts 於 2015-3-4 01:53 編輯{:6_129:} 家中扒是麻500A TV 瓜左了OLED現HK沒有4K 所以平平地買L猪4K TV {:6_122:}
今天入手了LG UB55 8300 是否一定要HDMI 2.0{:6_136:}
現家中得HDM1.4版本3米長... 行到60p嗎?{:6_141:}
各位C兄..HDMI線.平平地有冇好介紹{:6_162:} 本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2015-3-4 11:15 編輯
check吓應該只有一個HDMI 係2.0, 唔係個個input都係, 用1.4冇問題, 只係支唔支援Ultra HD deep color, 但都要BD機可播4K. 買機有冇送4K HDMI線?? SonSon 發表於 2015-3-4 10:13 static/image/common/back.gif
check吓應該只有一個HDMI 係2.0, 唔係個個input都係, 用1.4冇問題, 只係唔支援Ultra HD deep color, 但都要 ...
Cable 冇分 2.0 or 1.4....... 本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2015-3-4 11:12 編輯
yuppi 發表於 2015-3-4 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif
Cable 冇分 2.0 or 1.4.......
插條舊線顯示唔支援Ultra HD deep color即2.0, 換條送既所謂4K HDMI線返而冇顯示.......... SonSon 發表於 2015-3-4 11:10 static/image/common/back.gif
插條舊線顯示唔支援Ultra HD deep color即2.0, 換條送既所謂4K HDMI線返而冇顯示.......... ...
呢個問題提過超過一百次,而呢個 case 即係條舊線吾係 high speed, HDMI 官網早幾年已經公報過吾會有 2.0 cable, 所有正常途徑新生產既 HDMI cable 亦規定不能印上 version (只有混水摸魚線才會印上 2.0 ) yuppi 發表於 2015-3-4 11:47 static/image/common/back.gif
呢個問題提過超過一百次,而呢個 case 即係條舊線吾係 high speed, HDMI 官網早幾年已經公報過吾會有 2.0 ...
MEL M18-2.0 HDMI Cable
xhatax 發表於 2015-3-4 14:54 static/image/common/back.gif
MEL M18-2.0 HDMI Cable
只可以話佢冇跟 HDMI 指引包裝,對佢冇任何 comment. yuppi 發表於 2015-3-4 17:38 static/image/common/back.gif
只可以話佢冇跟 HDMI 指引包裝,對佢冇任何 comment.
其實我認為係HDMI Forum自己攪到啲人好混亂
Q. What are the technical and branding requirements for cables?
All cables shall be labeled, both on the cable itself and on the front of the cable packaging, as one of the following:
Standard HDMI® Cable
Standard HDMI® Cable
Standard Automotive HDMI® Cable
High Speed HDMI® Cable
High Speed HDMI® Cable with Ethernet
Each of these Cable Names is an implementation defined in the HDMI Specification. HDMI Adopters should refer to Section 4.1 of the HDMI Specification Version 1.4b, “Connectors and Cables,” for more information.
Q. What is the difference between a “Standard” HDMI cable and a “High-Speed” HDMI cable?
Recently, HDMI Licensing, LLC announced that cables would be tested as Standard or High-Speed cables.
Standard (or “category 1”) HDMI cables have been tested to perform at speeds of 75Mhz or up to 2.25Gbps, which is the equivalent of a 720p/1080i signal.
High Speed (or “category 2”) HDMI cables have been tested to perform at speeds of 340Mhz or up to 10.2Gbps, which is the highest bandwidth currently available over an HDMI cable and can successfully handle 1080p signals including those at increased color depths and/or increased refresh rates from the Source. High-Speed cables are also able to accommodate higher resolution displays, such as WQXGA cinema monitors (resolution of 2560 x 1600).
HDMI 2.0, which is backwards compatible with earlier versions of the HDMI specifications, significantly increases bandwidth up to 18Gbps and adds key enhancements to support continuing market requirements for enhancing the consumer video and audio experience. New functionality includes:
4K@50/60, (2160p), which is 4 times the clarity of 1080p/60 video resolution
Up to 32 audio channels for a multi-dimensional immersive audio experience
Up to 1536kHz audio sample frequency for the highest audio fidelity
Simultaneous delivery of dual video streams to multiple users on the same screen
Simultaneous delivery of multi-stream audio to multiple users (up to 4)
Support for the wide angle theatrical 21:9 video aspect ratio
Dynamic synchronization of video and audio streams
CEC extensions provides expanded command and control of consumer electronics devices through a single control point
HDMI 2.0 does not define new cables or new connectors. Current High Speed cables (Category 2 cables) are capable of carrying the increased bandwidth. chhanthony 發表於 2015-3-4 17:56 static/image/common/back.gif
其實我認為係HDMI Forum自己攪到啲人好混亂
如果作為廠家冇理由吾跟指引, 只有冇授權所以吾知, 你睇下D大廠線全部跟足指引 yuppi 發表於 2015-3-4 19:53 static/image/common/back.gif
如果作為廠家冇理由吾跟指引, 只有冇授權所以吾知, 你睇下D大廠線全部跟足指引 ...