stanley2468 發表於 2009-9-27 21:33

BD: Player: Pioneer BD120 更新 firmware V9100800 ~ P2#12 (Nov. 24, 2009)

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-12-2 16:39 編輯


download link

- Enhances BD-ROM playability
- Improvement to enhance Performance, Playability and Function

mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-27 21:44

Thanks C Hing!!
But can it be used for our HK version?

stanley2468 發表於 2009-9-27 21:54


mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-27 23:44

stanley2468 發表於 2009-9-27 21:54

Any difference after the upgrade?

tontontony 發表於 2009-9-27 23:50

ching~你有咩碟 play 唔到呀???

stanley2468 發表於 2009-9-28 17:30

ching~你有咩碟 play 唔到呀???
tontontony 發表於 2009-9-27 23:50
all of HK version

cowpang 發表於 2009-9-30 12:27


kinkin 發表於 2009-10-2 19:55


stanley2468 發表於 2009-11-23 01:17

kinkin 發表於 2009-10-2 19:55
A. Check the current firmware version of the player:
Using the playerfs remote control:
1. Press the "STANDBY/ON" button to switch the unit on.
2. If the player starts to play a disc, press the "STOP" button and wait until the Pioneer logo is displayed on your TV.
3. Press the "Home Menu" button to display the "HOME MENU".
4. Use the cursor buttons (up/down/left/right) to Select "Settings" and press the "ENTER" button.
5. Use the cursor buttons (up/down) to Select "Version" and press the "ENTER" button.
6. The firmware version of your player will be displayed in the center of the TV screen.
If the version number is BP9080400 or higher, it is not necessary to update the firmware.
If the version number is less than BP9080400, it is necessary to update the firmware. Please continue to Step B.

B. Download the system firmware ZIP file from Pioneer's website:
1. Download the file named "" from the website to a folder on your computer.

C. Preparing the System Firmware Update USB memory device:
USB memory device requirements:
- USB specification 2.0.
- 32 MB or more in capacity.
- Should not contain any files.

1. Connect the USB memory device to your computer.
2. Double click the ZIP file named
" " to open it.
3. Extract and save the file named " BDP12X_140.MVP " to a folder on your computer.
4. Copy the MVP file " BDP12X_140.MVP. " file to the USB memory device.
5. Confirm the file name and the file size is correct on the USB memory device:
To check the file size in Microsoft Windows, select the file, press the right mouse button, and select "Properties". If the file name and size do not match the ones listed below, perform steps B and C again.

BDP12X_134.MVP    23.5Mbyte (24,728,428byte)

- If the correct file is not copied to the USB memory device, your player will not recognize it as an update USB memory device and you will not be able to carry out the update.

D. Update the playerfs system firmware:
- The update process takes approximately 6 minutes to complete.
- Before updating the system firmware, confirm that the disc tray is empty.

1. Press the "STANDBY/ON" button to switch the unit on.
2. Press the "HOME MENU" button to display the Home Menu screen.
3. Use the cursor buttons (up/down/left/right) to select "Settings", then press the "ENTER" button.
4. Use the cursor buttons (up/down) to select "Software Update", then press the "ENTER" button.
-If you have not setup a password, skip step 5 and go to step 6.
5. Enter the 4-digit number password using the 0-9 buttons.
6. Insert the USB flash drive with the system firmware update file into the "BD STORAGE/SERVICE" terminal at the rear of your player
7. Press the "ENTER" button to start checking data in the USB flash drive.
-The current version of this unit's firmware and the version of the update file on the USB memory device are displayed. To update this player firmware with the update file, select "Yes", and press the "ENTER" button.
-If the USB memory device is not properly installed or the correct firmware update file cannot be found on the USB flash drive, an error message is displayed.
Check the file on the USB memory device, and then reinsert it correctly at the rear of your player.
8. Press ENTER to start updating.
-The screen becomes dark for a while until the update screen is displayed. Please wait for the update screen to appear.
Do not unplug the AC cord during the updating process!
-"V-UP" will appear on the front panel display of the player and some of the lights will blink and turn on during the update process.
9. When the software is successfully updated, a screen is displayed indicating that the update process is completed.
- If the update fails, check the file in the USB memory device and try again.
10. After several seconds the player will automatically turn off.
11. After the player turns off, remove the USB memory device.
12. Press the "STANDBY/ON" button to switch the unit on.
13. Check the firmware version by following the steps in section A.
- If the version has not been upgraded to the current version then perform the system firmware update again.

stanley2468 發表於 2009-11-23 01:18

Any difference after the upgrade?
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-27 23:44
Ver BP9080400

- Enhances BD-ROM playability
- Improvement to enhance Performance, Playability and Function

Ver BP9052600

- Enhances BD-ROM playability
- Performance improvement
頁: [1] 2
查看完整版本: BD: Player: Pioneer BD120 更新 firmware V9100800 ~ P2#12 (Nov. 24, 2009)

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