mistaleung 發表於 2015-2-26 17:56



大家可以參考下, 當然要睇番實際空間環境

1) IF surrounds are within 7 feet, then dipoles and bipoles are preferred.
2) IF more than 7 feet away, then monopoles are at least equal.
3) Any full range surround that moves much air such as a floorstander is preferred (even if you have to mount them on the roof or up on the sidewall! - just how serious are you about your sound?)
4) Multiple side monopole speakers offer by far the most improvement. More than moving from monopole to dipole or bipole.
5) Positioning side (not rear) monopoles firing over the head of listeners were considered inferior.
6) Dipoles have a narrow edge over bipoles. This appears to be material dependent. If explosions, rain etc. If single voice, then the other way round.
7) Having to switch speaker mode depending on material - not for me.
8) Using different speaker brands for main LCR > disliked.
9) Using different speaker brands for surrounds > hardly noticed, unless mixing point source and electrostatics.


(1) 如果surround < 7尺 , 用dipole/ bipole 比較好
(2) 如果surround > 7尺, 用單向比較好
(3) 單元愈大愈好
(5)   ---- 唔識譯---

MDLP 發表於 2015-2-26 19:21

LCR 是指 左中右

eddychoy04 發表於 2015-2-26 22:12


RayTsang3812 發表於 2015-6-24 21:21

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