係香港暫時見唔到有黃金甲買...係外國訂要 HKD220..
若大大們見到知道香港黃金甲係幾錢..邊度有呢 {:6_141:} HK RECORD 有,不過唔記得幾錢 法版正好多, DTS-HDMA{:1_339:} 法版正好多, DTS-HDMA{:1_339:}
r32 發表於 2009-9-27 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但法版好似片尾無左首歌{:1_260:} If you don't mind 2nd hand, the price is around $108 ~ $128 at MK Shinno Centre.. If you don't mind 2nd hand, the price is around $108 ~ $128 at MK Shinno Centre..
donbeshy 發表於 2009-9-27 23:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係? 即係邊度呢..擺係咩位... 係? 即係邊度呢..擺係咩位...x 2{:5_91:} 7# kiki2005
Those 2nd hand shops at MK 信和10/F and basement..