dc903 發表於 2015-8-10 23:09

本帖最後由 dc903 於 2015-8-10 23:24 編輯

The vinly set is for the TIGER only, didn't care much about HUGO when purchasing, as we may listen , as may listen them in future but not present time. {:1_342:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-8-10 23:23

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-8-10 23:24 編輯

dc903 發表於 2015-8-10 23:09 static/image/common/back.gif
The vinly set is for the TIGER only, didn't care much about HUGO when purchasing, as we may listen ...

oh you are lucky to have a tiger home{:1_248:} , while I am still "ALL BY MYSELF (eric carmen){:1_259:}

my first LPCD (hugo remaster) disappointed me a lot, some song has little echo delay, that's why I dislike hugo remaster{:1_247:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-8-10 23:37

This is also KLYMAXX signature song{:1_338:}

I guess no Cantonese version, right????{:1_342:}



ernietse 發表於 2015-8-10 23:41

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-8-10 23:43 編輯

she was beautiful and singable {:1_343:}

Besside, look at the ARISTA RECORDS label, the purple sky dawn scene can really see in VANCOUVER / CANADAin September{:1_330:}



Norman 發表於 2015-8-12 23:20

The Brothers Four {:6_218:} {:6_182:} {:6_175:} {:6_220:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-8-13 01:42

Japanese edition of AIR SUPPLY vinyl or CD cover are always uniquely design, make you feel so sunshine and beach and relaxing{:1_351:}



ernietse 發表於 2015-8-13 01:46

so sad, he is now so fat like DIVINE{:1_339:}

this MTV is very funny{:1_343:}



ernietse 發表於 2015-8-13 01:50

Perhaps this must be their most popular hit in 1986{:1_341:}



tlsk 發表於 2015-8-13 22:39


ernietse 發表於 2015-8-13 23:08

Canada's dance music band - LIME{:1_338:}


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