esin0822 發表於 2015-2-17 23:11

EarWerkz Legend R

8 Driver, 7-Way, 6-Crossover Flagship {:6_128:}

Triple Highs

Triple Mids

Dual Lows

7-Way, Six Crossover Points Network.

Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz

Impedance: 28 ohms @ 1 kHz

Sensitivity: 118 dB @ 1 kHz

Noise Isolation: 28 dB, +/-2 dB


windwolf447 發表於 2015-2-17 23:28


dezispop 發表於 2015-2-17 23:28

quite interesting {:1_351:}

t1174 發表於 2015-2-17 23:42

唔明點6 cross over 又7 way.....

esin0822 發表於 2015-2-18 00:16

t1174 發表於 2015-2-17 23:42 static/image/common/back.gif
唔明點6 cross over 又7 way.....

"7-Way, 6 Crossovers? It's kind of hard to explain so we'll try to simplify it, no need for crazy jargon here. Every driver is designed for a specific frequency and often times they're not used to their full potential. More drivers equals more noise and what good is it if you can't tune it? That's where crossovers come into play. A crossover divides an audio signal into two or more different ranges of frequencies, so that each driver will get only the range of frequencies they were designed to produce. In other words it lets the drivers handle more power in order to perform more efficiently.

We've engineered a complex crossover network within the Legend R to take full advantage of every driver. The end result is a ultra detailed, heavily textured, pure sounding top-of-the-line in-ear monitor.

Many of our competitors work around this by using dampers, filters, different tube lengths and other methods to try and address this. Not us. "



patrick@wong 發表於 2015-2-18 09:45

esin0822 發表於 2015-2-18 00:16 static/image/common/back.gif
"7-Way, 6 Crossovers? It's kind of hard to explain so we'll try to simplify it, no need for crazy...

Interested but Legend R focus on mid high....hope dealer side have demo to try
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