psb 發表於 2019-3-9 15:08

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-3-9 15:38 編輯

Bananarama 2019全新大碟 "In Stereo" 第一首單曲 single"Stuff Like That" 終於推出{:1_328:},唔似一般歌手推出新 single,好似識咗好耐朋友咁,每次佢哋有全新創作都會好好珍惜,對音樂熱誠未減,有機會聽到 Sara 同 Karen 每一隻新大碟同創作都好感恩{:1_338:}。"....Stuff Like That is the perfect taster of what to expect on In Stereo, their upcoming 11th studio album." .... 見到呢個 line,首新單曲"Stuff Like That" 反映新大碟音樂風格,正 ! 對全新大碟 "In Stereo" 好期待{:6_178:}


7 March 2019

Bananarama have revealed that the first single taken from their forthcoming studio album, In Stereo, is the disco stomper Stuff Like That.
Available everywhere now, the single proves testament to why Sara Dallin and Keren Woodward have been one of pop’s most influential and revered groups.
Laced in their trademark DNA, Stuff Like That is the perfect taster of what to expect on In Stereo, their upcoming 11th studio album.

"The song was inspired by the sort of track we used to love dancing to at schools!”

For the past three decades, Bananarama's Sara Dallin and Keren Woodward have been one of pop's most influential and revered groups. Their hit packed career happened because they were the mould-breakers. Sometimes reminders of pop genius come in the slightest of touches, the subtlest of triggers. In Stereo, their upcoming 11th studio album, is full of them.

The electro pulses throbbing through newly revealed track Dance Music; the new single Stuff Like That - a boisterous Saturday night pure disco; the moody echo vocal effect on the bridge of I'm On Fire; the Blondie-ish buzz to Looking for Someone; the spare, house music bassline to Tonight. Finishing on a ballad, as all the best Bananarama albums do, on the sad and gorgeous On Your Own.

In Stereo is Bananarama back to their pinnacle best, a ten-track total recall on their irresistible pop storytelling capacity. Bananarama have also collaborated with producer royalty Richard X on the stomper Love In Stereo.

In Stereo will be released 19th April 2019, on CD, Digital and Vinyl.

Grandmaster 發表於 2019-3-9 20:23

发新歌了? 我听了还不错! 九十年代风扉全球的冠军女组终于回归了!

psb 發表於 2019-3-10 13:26

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-3-10 14:14 編輯

Grandmaster 發表於 2019-3-9 20:23
发新歌了? 我听了还不错! 九十年代风扉全球的冠军女组终于回归了!

Yes, they still have it{:6_183:}!! The female pop group with the most chart entries in the world (Guinness World Records)......I adore British pop{:6_157:}!

Aeonflux 發表於 2019-3-10 19:16


psb 發表於 2019-3-11 12:42

Aeonflux 發表於 2019-3-10 19:16

另外果位只不過"象徵式" tour 打氣,音樂創作都係 Keren & Sara only...
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