蜘蛛俠加入《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》(Captain America: Civil War) !!
本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2015-2-11 14:57 編輯http://screenrant.com/spider-man-captain-america-3-civil-war-update/
Will Spider-Man join the Marvel Cinematic Universe or won’t he?
That’s the question on every Marvel movie fan’s mind this week as a series of reports based on leaked insider Sony emails and documents confirm rumors that Sony and Marvel were in talks over potentially sharing the character and re-introducing him into the MCU with Captain America: Civil War. Those talks broke down but a deal can still be made.
'Big Bang Theory' to Undergo Big Plot Change
There will be a day when Spider-Man stands alongside Marvel Studios-owned heroes in The Avengers. It’s just a matter of when that happens.
We know Sony has a Spider-Man summit planned for January where Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal, fellow executives and producers will meet to discuss and plan out what’s next for their prized superhero film franchise. After The Amazing Spider-Man 2 took a nosedive critically and financially relative to its predecessors and competitors, Sony’s ambitious plan of dating sequels and spinoffs for Sinister Six and Venom began to fall apart.
Sinister Six Spider Man Art by Aidan Casserly Spider Man Can Still Join Captain America: Civil War
Sinister Six Art by Aidan Casserly
The Amazing Spider-Man 3 lost its 2016 release date (and writer-producer Roberto Orci) while mixed reports pointed towards the possibility that Venom and Sinister Six might be cancelled as the studio searched for other ideas. And all the while that was happening, Fox was hitting new milestones and winning over critics with its most successful Marvel-branded film yet in X-Men: Days of Future Past and engaging fans with talk of a series of sequels (X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Force) and spinoffs (Deadpool, Gambit and Wolverine 3).
Then came Warner Bros.’ 10-movie plan of interconnected films based DC Comics which included Suicide Squad – a film that would seemingly compete directly with Sony’s own Sinister Six in the latter half of 2016. The former however, would be riding the buzz of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice earlier that year and as we learned recently, features an all-star cast including Will Smith, Tom Hardy, Jesse Eisenberg, Jared Leto, Jai Courtney, Margot Robbie and potentially, Viola Davis. It’s also running on the Fury awards season buzz of director David Ayer.
If Sony didn’t kill their own plans with The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and if Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. didn’t with their far larger and more exciting recent franchise announcements, then Suicide Squad might single-handedly dampen internal hopes for Sinister Six since it has more momentum at this point and will beat Sony to the punch on the all-villain team-up front. That was supposed to be the big selling point of Sinister Six.
Marvel Spider Man and Nick Fury Samuel L Jackson Spider Man Can Still Join Captain America: Civil War
All this is to say that Sony’s Spider-Man future looks a little bleak, or at the very least, in a state of flux and uncertainty. Combined with the interest from Marvel, the Sony hack which revealed much of this information, and the timing of the Sony Spider-Man summit in January, this all lends credence to the idea that it’s still possible that we see Spider-Man join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the not too distant future.
And that’s what the rumors and scoops are pointing towards currently as well, including the latest from Badass Digest whose inside sources explained that it’s too late for Spider-Man to have a major role in Anthony and Joe Russo’s Captain America: Civil War but not too late to late to be an Avenger. They reiterate what we said last week, that if a deal is made, Spider-Man can still be worked into Cap 3 as a cameo, setting up future roles in The Avengers: Infinity War movies and a new Spider-Man solo movie (and potential trilogy of solo movies). The Russos, by the way, (who are all but confirmed to direct The Avengers 3 & 4) would produce the Spider-Man titles if a deal is made.
As much as some fans want to see Spider-Man be a focal point of Marvel’s live-action adaptation of the Civil War storyline, it’s a little too late and he’s reportedly not in the current version of the script. With production beginning early next year, a lot of things can change though, so we may have to wait to see what Sony comes up with in January in light of the hacks.
Marvel Captain America Saves Spider Man Spider Man Can Still Join Captain America: Civil War
The idea of bringing Peter Parker over to the MCU is simple in theory but the devil is in the details (or detail$). If Marvel introduces a new Peter Parker by replacing Andrew Garfield (who we love) with another actor and skipping the origin story and romance stuff as previously reported, that helps Marvel out by putting their own spin on the character while also giving Sony an out on rebooting their franchise again so quickly.
Who controls what is the problem. Does Sony still get to do their own Spider-Man spinoffs and must they therefore conform to the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Who has creative control of this new version of Spider-Man and the spinoffs? Does Sinister Six get pushed aside if a deal between Marvel and Sony happens and if so, does Drew Goddard get to direct/write/produce the new Spider-Man? Do we see Avengers characters crossover into future Spider-Man sequels and spinoffs? Who pays what percentage for marketing and earns what percentage from box office sales, home video, merchandise, etc.
If they can make it work on the business side, which for a lot of reasons is extremely challenging, it would be unprecedented and would open the doors for both studios. It would also leave some room for Fox and Marvel to eventually work on something similar to get the Fantastic Four and X-Men involved down the road.
Sony’s self-contained Spider-Man universe might not be able to bring in the big dollars and it’s only going to get pushed to the side even more against the growing competition, so maybe they can work some magic with Marvel and still have him pop up in Captain America: Civil War, even if it’s just Peter Parker snapping a few photos for The Daily Bugle. If not, we still don’t know what the plans are for Sinister Six and it feasibly serve as a new launching point for Sony if it comes down to that.
The Avengers: Age of Ultron releases in theaters on May 1 2015, followed by Ant-Man on July 17 2015, Captain America: Civil War on May 6 2016, Doctor Strange on November 4 2016, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on May 5 2017, Thor: Ragnarok on July 28, 2017, Black Panther on November 3 2017, Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 on May 4 2018, Captain Marvel on July 6 2018, Inhumans on November 2 2018 and Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2 on May 3 2019.
There might only be a cameo in Civil War{:6_238:} Sinister Six 讓路比 captain 3?
The two companies said late Monday that Spider-Man will appear in an upcoming Disney-produced Marvel super-heroes movie; that movie is 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War,” according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
Sony will delay its planned release of “The Sinister Six,” about a group of Spider-Man villains, in wake of the new deal said a person involved in movie. It had been scheduled for release in November of 2016.
http://comicbook.com/2015/02/10/spider-man-to-appear-in-captain-america-civil-war-sinister-six-d/ [蜘蛛俠終於重回復仇者聯盟]
轉載至https://www.facebook.com/MovieExpress/photos/a.305299182846214.69841.159077224135078/814987915210669/?type=1&theater 官方終於確定!Marvel Studios同SONY正式宣佈Spiderman會出現喺Marvel既電影世界,亦會合作打造全新《Spiderman》電影!聽講佢應該係2016年嘅《Captain America: Civil War》首次出場~即睇Marvel最新電影時間表!
It's confirmed! Spider-Man will appear in an upcoming Marvel film from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, and a new Spider-Man film will be released in 2017. What do you think of the news?
《Captain America: Civil War》-- May 6, 2016
《Doctor Strange》-- Nov 4, 2016
《Guardians of the Galaxy 2》-- May 5, 2017
《Spiderman》NEW -- July 28, 2017
《Thor: Ragnarok》-- Nov 3, 2017
《Avengers : Infinity War Part I》-- May 4, 2018
《Black Panther》-- July 6, 2018
《Captain Marvel》-- Nov 2, 2018
《Avengers : Infinity War Part II》-- May 3, 2019
《Inhumans》-- July 12, 2019
轉載至The Grand臉書 本帖最後由 lamwaikit007 於 2015-2-11 22:20 編輯
【大師兄返嚟咧】蜘蛛俠回歸 Marvel
對於 Marvel 迷、甚至所有英雄電影迷來說,都是期待已久的天大喜訊!傳聞已久,Sony Pictures Entertainment 今日終於正式宣布,已跟 Marvel Studios 達成合作計畫,將共同開拍新的蜘蛛俠電影。新系列蜘蛛俠電影將是再一次的 Reboot,而且會物色新的演員飾演蜘蛛俠,換句話說,備受愛戴的 Andrew Garfield,不幸地將會是個短命的蜘蛛俠!甚至已有網民封他為蜘蛛俠中的鐵摩達頓。(劇透:唔怪得咁早**Gwen Stacy啦!)
新一部蜘蛛俠電影已定於 2017 年 7 月 28 日上映,由 Marvel 總舵主 Kevin Feige 親自督師監製,聯同一起監製的還有剛退任 Sony 聯合主席的 Amy Pascal,後者過去 13 年主理價值 40 億美元的蜘蛛俠電影,是王是寇俱往矣,今次雖云強強合作,Sony 也在今次合作中保留新蜘蛛俠電影的集資、發行、及最終創作權,但形勢比人弱,相信在故事創作上 Marvel 將佔主導,否則 Sony 自己搞得掂,也不用死死氣跟 Marvel 合作吧?
蜘蛛俠今次回歸 Marvel 的電影世界(粉絲稱為 Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU),跟 Iron Man、Captain America、Guardians of Galaxy、Agent of SHIELD 等處於同一個世界,外界預料在 2017 年的新蜘蛛俠電影登場之後,Marvel 會安排蜘蛛俠在第三部美國隊長 Captain America: Civil War 中登場,因為在原著漫畫,蜘蛛俠在這次內戰中,擔當十分重要角色,之前因為 Sony 不肯放人,Marvel 唯有安排 Upgrade 黑人英雄 Black Panther 來取代蜘蛛俠的位置,如今大師兄回歸(無可否認,Marvel 英雄當中,蜘蛛俠最紅、也紅得最早),Black Panther 會否被退居次角?
此外,MCU 的其他角色,也可以出現在未來蜘蛛俠的 Solo 電影中,蜘蛛俠大戰變形俠醫將不是沒可能。
因應今次新的發展,Marvel/Disney 也宣布要重新部署未來幾年的電影上映安排,包括第三部雷神 Thor: Ragnorak 將由 2017 年7 月延至 11 月,而 Black Panther,則由 2017 年 11 月提早至 7 月上映。而 Inhuman 則延至 2019 年夏季, Captain Marvel則定在 2018 年 11 月,即在新蜘蛛俠電影上場後一年。
蜘蛛俠是 Marvel 漫畫中最為人認識的角色,16 年前的 1999 年,Marvel 以七百萬美元將電影版權賣斷給 Sony。隨著 Sony 業績持續不振,已成盈利主要來源的蜘蛛俠電影,上一集成績遠差預期,外界已不停呼籲 Sony 將蜘蛛俠回賣給 Marvel,套現之餘也讓蜘蛛俠有個好歸宿。今次合作成事,對 Sony、Marvel、和粉絲來說都是好事,不過對 Marvel 來說好處其實最少,因為 Marvel 電影以目前的勢頭來說,根本不需要蜘蛛俠,多了一個蜘蛛俠也不會大幅增加票房;蜘蛛俠回歸,好處反而在 Marvel 安排未來 Phrase 3、Phrase 4,即目前當紅的一班演員都不再續約或徐徐老矣的時候,可以有較大的發揮空間。
消息來源:Variety 唔知marvel洗左幾多錢今次先可以從sony手中召回蜘蛛俠呢{:6_158:} ryan2012 發表於 2015-2-11 04:00 static/image/common/back.gif
老實講係互惠互利而已! If Tobey reprises Spider-Man in the future, the boxoffice would be a guarantee{:6_139:}