賣碟過年--Blu-Ray 演唱會
本帖最後由 tong1810 於 2015-3-2 19:21 編輯pls pm
陳慧嫻 $150 ------------ Sold
陳潔麗 $ 150------------ Sold
鄧麗君 蓝光纯音樂 $ 150 ------------Sold
周慧敏$180 ------------ Sold
梅艷芳 $180 ------------Sold
Sheryl Crow $80 ------------Sold
This is it $50 ------------ Sold
MDNA $ 100 ------------ Sold
Bee Gees $100
蔡琴 $ 120 each
倾城 $ 180
Sarah Brightman $ 100
劉美君 $150
Andrea Bocelli $ 120 each
羅敏莊 $150 Please check pm.
Please hold 'This is it' and 'MDNA' for me. ms_driller 發表於 2015-2-9 19:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Please check pm.
Please hold 'This is it' and 'MDNA' for me.
ok{:1_249:} tong1810 發表於 2015-2-9 19:23 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, plz check pm...
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