JAYS 全新 q-JAYS 耳機 : 下季上市
即將推出的第二代 q-JAYS 在規格上與首代有不少改動。q-JAYS 第二代最大與首代最大的分別是可換線的端子設計,絕對算是一款相當稱職的輕巧型可換線入耳式耳機型號。此外,它更備有通訊功能、兩組動鐵單元及設有特製聲學濾膜,支援低音調校...報導全文: http://www.post76.com/wordpress/?p=74985
Love to see the q-iay new generation. The q-jay was my first pair of hi-end earphone 5 to 6 yr ago claimed the smallest dual armature driver at that time. Jays company also targeted to launch z jay - the 4 drivers which was the first company in the world to develop the 4 driver earphone but never succeeded. At today standard, a 2 driver earphone selling HKD3000 seems too high.