AK120 scan library
I am using AK120 old version..recently always scan library auto....
any ching experienced this??
Pls advise
thx Setting 可以 disable auto scan 每次入完歌, 換卡都 AUTO SCAN, 師兄近排成日入歌{:1_342:} countryboyhk 發表於 2015-2-2 14:17 static/image/common/back.gif
每次入完歌, 換卡都 AUTO SCAN, 師兄近排成日入歌
when listening...scan....
when open scan.....
thx 有冇試過停Auto scan
感覺上似一時時認到張卡,然後認到時佢就當新插張卡入機然後Auto scan
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) did you turn off auto library scan?
or try to reset your 120
otherwise you may need to repair{:6_154:}
Thx all ching