familyman 發表於 2015-2-1 22:45

dcs Paganini DAC & Master clock Queries

本帖最後由 familyman 於 2015-2-1 22:47 編輯

Hi All:

Attempted to output LPCM 2.0 24/96 or bitstream through coaxial digital cable for blu ray concert audio from Oppo 105D to dcs Paganni DAC in vain, i.e. just 16/48 audio shown and detected in Paganni DAC.

However, it is okay to output 24/192 stereo audio via coaxial digital cable from USB in of 105D to Paganni DAC.

Any advice?

BTW, there is no external clock input for 105D that can be connected with dcs master clock.Any current blu ray player models with external clock input for better sonic result (i.e. coaxial digital sound from 105D with external clock connected that is being able to output to external DAC).

Many thanks!

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-2-1 22:55

It is limited by oppo to 24/48 only.
Same goes for dsd forbidden in coaxial output but allowed in hdmi only.

familyman 發表於 2015-2-1 23:01

本帖最後由 familyman 於 2015-2-1 23:03 編輯

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-2-1 22:55 static/image/common/back.gif
It is limited by oppo to 24/48 only.
Same goes for dsd forbidden in coaxial output but allowed in h ...

Hi Henryhou1:

Thanks.Having detected the 24/192 USB in stereo music signal via coaxial from 105D to dcs DAC , I am wondering why only 16/48 blu ray 2.0 stereo signal, but not 24/96, can be detected.

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-2-2 09:56

familyman 發表於 2015-2-1 23:01 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi Henryhou1:

Thanks.Having detected the 24/192 USB in stereo music signal via coaxial from 105 ...


Please refer to the following link.
As I recall due to copyright reasons they do not allow high resolution music through unencrypted links like coaxial.
For USB, as they assume you owned the copied music already that would become nobody's concern.
For your question about clock, there are oppo mods like MSB UMT plus which can be upgraded to use Galaxy femto clock and your DAC can be sync'ed to its clock output.

familyman 發表於 2015-2-2 12:26

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-2-2 09:56 static/image/common/back.gif

Please refer to the following link.

Hi HenryHou1:

Thanks so much for your valuable advice which is so much helpful to a layman like myself.

Seems that there is no cost-effective Blu Ray Players available with external clock in function, apart from the MSB UMT plus which is very, very expensive.

Once again, thank you!

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-2-2 12:52

familyman 發表於 2015-2-2 12:26 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi HenryHou1:

Thanks so much for your valuable advice which is so much helpful to a layman like m ...

No problem. After some research and trials, I found that there is no way to get the best out of both video and audio worlds.
If I were you, I would simply use a PC with blu ray rom to output PCM to DAC and pass video to 105 HDMI input for video processing.
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