4Ktv 發表於 2015-1-24 12:23

Fostex HP-A8 DAC水貨220V 99%New

本帖最後由 4Ktv 於 2015-1-25 17:28 編輯

Fostex HP-A8 水貨,買入大半年重未用過,今日會試咗機100% Work先才交收
可用SD CARD DSF format直入DAC少了線材上的問題

HK$3,800 Fixed Price
PM 留電 ** 不留電不覆

High fidelity 32bit D/A converter (Asahi Kasei's AK4399) and all discrete analog circuitry headphone amplifier.
Complies with USB Audio Class 2.0 up to 32bit / 192kHz (24bit on Windows)
Asynchronous mode by highly precise TCXO (Temperature Compensated Cristal Oscillator) clock.
Highly precise level adjustment by an electronic volume designed for audio equipment.
Large capacity toroidal power transformer.
Built-in SD (SDHC) card drive for epoch-making DSD file (DSF format) reproduction in addition to the firmware update.
Selectable between the internal clock and the external clock (except for USB and SD card)
Built-in up-sampling function of x 2 and x4
Digital Filter selection between the conventional "sharp roll-off" and the "minimum delay" developed by Asahi Kasei to eliminate pre-echo.
Direct Out mode bypassing the volume control circuit.
Variable headphone amplifier's gain from 0dB to -12dB by 0.5dB step for perfect match with any type of headphones.
Various inputs including USB, AES/EBU, Coaxial, Optical (x2) and analog RCA.
A dedicated Remote Controller is supplied.
Beautiful white Organic LED for the display

More info :


victor76 發表於 2015-1-25 15:57


4Ktv 發表於 2015-1-25 17:27

victor76 發表於 2015-1-25 15:57 static/image/common/back.gif

我真係唔明咁多Ching 喜歡問賣咗未 ? 問得呢明明未賣都比其他後上的Ching 留電話賣咗

victor76 發表於 2015-1-25 17:54

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