小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 14:19

做人最緊要有目標同夢想!!! MOON by Simaudio Neo 280D DAC

本帖最後由 小寶老豆 於 2015-1-16 14:31 編輯

做人最緊要有目標同夢想!!! {:8_362:} {:8_362:} {:8_362:}

MOON by Simaudio Ltd. proudly introduces the MOON Neo 280D Digital-to-Analog Converter with optional network player, the newest addition to our MOON Neo Series.

The Neo 280D's extraordinary digital engine decodes native DSD up to DSD256, as well as PCM up to 32-bit/384kHz, including DXD. The fully balanced analog stage provides lifelike transparency. The result is a level of fidelity that creates an emotional connection to your music.

The Neo 280D provides a world of music right at your fingertips. Simply launch your favorite music services app on your smart device and pair it to the Neo 280D using Bluetooth technology. Then sit back and enjoy the music.

Adding the optional MiND (MOON intelligent Network Device) module provides convenience and a full graphic interface, allowing you to effortlessly access your digital music library with power and flexibility. Which ever way you use the Neo 280D, we are convinced that it will become the center of your musical pleasure.

Neo 280D Significant Design Features:

[*]Fully asynchronous DAC supports native DSD64, DSD128 and DSD256 (USB only) & PCM to 384kHz (32-bit on USB only)
[*]7 digital inputs (AES/EBU x 1, S/PDIF x 2, TosLink x 2, USB x 1 and Bluetooth x 1) allowing for a connection to virtually any digital source
[*]aptX® support allows for simplified Bluetooth pairing
[*]Front panel LED indicators for (i) input signal PCM sampling & DSD rates and (ii) the active input
[*]Optional 8th digital input through our MiND streaming module (via WiFi or Ethernet)
[*]The analog stage is a fully balanced differential circuit for increased dynamic range and headroom, higher resolution, as well as improved signal-to-noise ratio
[*]RS-232 port for (i) full unsolicited bidirectional feedback and (ii) firmware updates; IR input for external control
[*]SimLink™ controller port for 2-way communications between other MOON components; 12V trigger output

The MOON Neo 280D will be available in Q1 2015 with an MSRP $2,200.00 USD; Add $800.00 for the MiND Network Player Module.{:8_369:}

MOON by Simaudio has been designing and manufacturing innovative, leading-edge audio and video products since 1980. MOON products have been globally recognized for their world-class performance, garnering numerous accolades for this outstanding achievement. Our products are engineered and built in Canada, utilizing advanced, efficient, "green" assembly techniques with strict quality control. Furthermore, our manufacturing processes are part of our philosophy, whereas the high quality and long-life of MOON products are the best way to preserve our environment, avoiding premature obsolescence. MOON products meet or exceed all international requirements for safety, performance and durability. At MOON by Simaudio, great music matters. However, great music for a lifetime matters most.


HenryHou1 發表於 2015-1-16 14:21

{:8_362:} {:8_362:} {:8_362:}

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 14:29

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-1-16 14:21 static/image/common/back.gif

我都仲諗緊... 好彩有大把時間...

{:6_147:} ... 我中左六合彩話你知....

blackcolor 發表於 2015-1-16 14:37

{:6_193:} 有錢多好!{:6_180:}

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 14:42

blackcolor 發表於 2015-1-16 14:37 static/image/common/back.gif

{:8_391:} ... 可惜我無...只能係網上用眼睛"鳩嗚"...

HenryHou1 發表於 2015-1-16 14:43

blackcolor 發表於 2015-1-16 14:37 static/image/common/back.gif


jackt 發表於 2015-1-16 16:03

只要有夢想,凡事可成真!   {:8_362:}

小寶兄,你得嘅。   {:8_390:}

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 16:09

jackt 發表於 2015-1-16 16:03 static/image/common/back.gif


{:6_147:} ... 應該搞左對喇叭先...


小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 16:13

jackt 發表於 2015-1-16 16:03 static/image/common/back.gif


{:6_146:} ...

小賭怡情, 大賭可以創業興家... 仲年年有錢派...

jackt 發表於 2015-1-16 16:19

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-1-16 16:13 static/image/common/back.gif



結果咪有九個窮人囉!   {:6_150:}
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