karmayim 發表於 2015-1-15 15:39

BMC pure DAC

價錢 HK$: 13800
保用至15年7月, 有遙控, 前級 與 headphone 音量獨立調較, Sabre 9016 DAC


1. Top-grade Digital/Analog Converter with Current Injection current-to-voltage (I/V) conversion
2. High-resolution asynchronous USB interface up to 24bit/384kHz
3. USB PCM: 16...32bit; 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 352.8, 384kHz.
4. USB DSD: DSD64, DSD128.
5. ASIO driver for Windows; Linux and Mac compatible
6. AES/EBU, coaxial and Toslink digital inputs
7. Balanced, reference-class headphone amplifier with digital/analog power convertion (DAPC), load-effect free (LEF) technology, a lateral MOSFET, a super-low impedance LEF output stage, and lossless Digital Intelligent Gain Management (DIGM) volume control
8. Balanced LEF, CI-compatible preamp that optionally operates in B.M.C. Mode, with DIGM and a vertically diffused metal oxide semiconductor (DMOS) and LEF-balanced output stage.
9. Separate volume controls for the line and headphone sections
10.Second-generation DIGM with optimized gain distribution between power amps and internal and DIGM volume levels
11.Optical B.M.C. Link for connecting with B.M.C. amps like the PureMono
12.Remote Control
13.Massive and stylish extruded aluminum chassis
14.Dimensions: 14.37 x 4.06 x 12.91 inches, W/H/D (365 x 103 x 328 mm)
15.Weight: 11.9 lbs (5.4 kg)

karmayim 發表於 2015-1-18 23:14

本帖最後由 karmayim 於 2015-5-8 23:39 編輯

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