個external hdd成日斷線...
本帖最後由 lskthomas 於 2009-9-23 11:41 編輯呢排想backup d相 (約150gb) 去個external harddisk (imation apollo 320gb, 要用兩個usb ports), 但係成日都backup到1/3到, windows就有個screen話我個external hdd已離線, 跟著就自動detect番個hdd出黎, backup就唔成功。
而家試下逐d逐d咁backup, 即係每10-20gb咁做, 但係有時都會斷....
各位ching, 知唔知係咩原因? 有乜辦法可以解決? 會唔會係個hdd壞壞地? usb2.0唔掂掛 usb2.0唔掂掛
kkchau 發表於 2009-9-26 06:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching, 即係可以點搞?{:1_257:} didn't happen to my external harddisk.. but it did happen on my USB drive.. i've tried on different computers on different port.. and the problem still exist.. so my conclusion is the hardware problem.I suggest you bring it back to CS and have a check 本帖最後由 hkbomberman 於 2009-9-28 00:16 編輯
Try using some other file managers which can continue copying even after disruption.{:6_142:}
e.g. Q-Dir 3.95
Other file managers:
ching, 即係可以點搞?{:1_257:}
lskthomas 發表於 2009-9-26 08:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
見唔倒情況唔想猜測,不過下次買external hdd記得買有esata版 Try using some other file managers which can continue copying even after disruption.{:6_142:}
e.g. Q-Dir 3.95
Other file managers:
http://www. ...
hkbomberman 發表於 2009-9-28 00:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
返去試下先... hdd遇到呢d問題好煩.... 遲咗幾個月先update大家
後來發覺, 原來係部電腦前面的usb port位有問題, 插後面就ok啦 前面usb port插手指ok
ext hd 最好插後面 而家唔夠hubs用, 如果用d pci --> usb 卡, 效果得唔得嫁?