player 發表於 2015-1-10 21:41

《 三星 : 展示全透明智能手機 IRON MAN - 專用 " 亮相 CES 》

Samsung Shows Off Tony Stark’s New See-Through Phone From ‘ Avengers 2 ′ At CES 2015

Iron Man’s latest tech in the forthcoming “Avengers” sequel “Age of Ultron” won’t just include shellhead’s shiny new suit — it’ll also feature his newest see-through smartphone courtesy of Samsung.
The South Korean company is showing off Tony Stark’s latest phone, along with a host of new Avengers tech including smartwatches and bluetooth headsets, at the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 in Las Vegas this week.

“ What type of phone does a man who has everything need?” Samsung wrote in the phone’s show floor description. “A sleek and metallic phone that features cutting edge technology designed specifically for Tony Stark. With a striking flexible display, the phone features two different curved panels, taking inspiration from Samsung’s Galaxy Note Edge so that important information is displayed separately from the main screen. The device features a hologram glass user interface with finger print security so that even if the device gets into the wrong hands, Tony Stark’s personal data stays secure and out of the hands of the enemy. ”

三星在市場營銷和推廣方面向來都非常捨得投入。在本屆 CES 上,三星的多款產品已經受到了許多外界的關注,在 CES 進入尾聲之際,三星似乎又掀起了另外一輪大規模的市場營銷熱潮。

這一次與三星合作推廣的是 Marvel 公司在 2015 年即將上映的新片《 復仇者聯盟 2:奧創紀元 》。

據悉,在電影中,我們除了看到羅拔唐尼和施嘉莉 - 祖安遜等眾多明星之外,在電影中亮相的還有一款來自三星的全透明智能手機“ Starkphone ”,而在電影之中這智能手機是屬於由羅拔唐尼扮演的 IRON MAN 。

三星表示,這款 “ Starkphone ” 受到了 Galaxy NoteEdge 的啟發,並且在本屆 CES 上正式提前展示了這款看起來非常夢幻的全透明智能手機。當然,目前在展館中亮相的只是一台玻璃模型而已,還無法真正的開機運行,畢竟在現實生活中,科技還沒有先進到這個程度。但是在電影中它將會扮演什麼樣的作用,也非常值得影迷和科技迷們期待。

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lawzelda 發表於 2015-1-10 22:36


PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-1-14 07:52

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