我都想知點樣開住 LLBW 都播到 DSD, 384K 的 file。
Good question... Honestly I can only lock it at LLBW stably when playing 44.1 and DSD64 on my 002... {:6_123:}For the latest 003, only 44.1 and DSD64 can be locked as well when cover the ventilation holes on the case top. Nevertheless, at least these are the most common formats we could play... 或者應該先問問師兄,打算用乜野 amp? Raphael 發表於 2015-1-6 19:27 static/image/common/back.gif
或者應該先問問師兄,打算用乜野 amp?
本人用krell 舊amp 400xi,一組balance XLR 插了二嫂cd機,一組rca 插oppo105玩cas ,另一組rca比pioneer lx 86, bypass玩av,因新年諗住換一換器材,av amp換onkyo 3030 ,二聲道換krell vanguard,再加部usb DAC,只有usb Dac諗唔到邊部好· edwardfocal 發表於 2015-1-6 21:40 static/image/common/back.gif
本人用krell 舊amp 400xi,一組balance XLR 插了二嫂cd機,一組rca 插oppo105玩cas ,另一組rca比pioneer l ...
師兄有無試聽過 Northstar? 本帖最後由 edwardfocal 於 2015-1-7 00:41 編輯
Raphael 發表於 2015-1-6 22:48 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄有無試聽過 Northstar?
試聽就沒有(我之前好少留意usb dac 因為對操作電腦不太熟),曾經在店舖見過部野好似意大利(唔知有無記錯),個樣成部Jeff Rowland ,我無問個幾錢,貴嗎? edwardfocal 發表於 2015-1-6 23:53 static/image/common/back.gif
試聽就沒有(我之前好少留意usb dac 因為對操作電腦不太熟),曾經在店舖見過部野好似意大利(唔知有無記錯 ...
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