kl122002 發表於 2014-12-15 13:48

WBT Nanogen 系列

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2014-12-15 13:49 編輯

現在的WBT 叉/蕉插是Nextgen, 上官網望過下年1月會出一個新product 叫Nanogen 系列,
外表和現在的出入不算太大, 不過就用了碳的成份.
8月時的catalogue 有的介紹:

WBT nanoGen™ – the advantages at a glance:
Fastest signal transmission through carbon

-Given its hexagonal crystalline structure, carbon is superior to all other materials in terms of signal transmission speed and phase trueness. The unit pulse response is almost perfect.

Two-dimensional conductor structure
- As a mono-layer conductor – signal propagation in only two dimensions – skin effects/eddy current cannot occur in the first place.

High-tech production methods in nano-technology
-WBT is the first audio connector manufacturer to use this elaborate and costly method. Yet, it is the only way to achieve the advantages of a crystalline mono-layer conductor: extremely smooth surface with a melting temperature of 1,500 degress Celsius and very elastic at the same time. The result is an unprecedented precision.

Organic material
-Carbon is electrically conductive, but is not a metal. The thin-film produced in vacuum by plasma shooting is only a few atoms thick, making it essentially massless – mass storage effects cannot occur.

Intelligent conductor geometry
-WBT nanoGen™ connectors use all advantages of our nextgen™ models. The approved and technically matured
method of plastic/metal compound technology is optimized so as to counter the negative influences of micro vibrations.
The contact pressure is assured by means of WBT collet chucking device.

講到好似好神奇, 有無師兄會換插試下??
頁: [1]
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