kinchung 發表於 2014-12-14 08:52

I am still using Plasma and finding a good TV for replacing my old NEC plasma in bedroom.65AX900 is too large for me.

masterk 發表於 2014-12-14 09:18

買多次未代 plasma 啦,唔太近睇 OK 架

kinchung 發表於 2014-12-14 14:55

I also like plasma but no 4K plasma.

swat03 發表於 2015-2-18 17:05

I just bought one panasonic 65" TH-65AX900H. But i found a problems which may related to HDMI handshakeing issue in 4K signal . i connect a pioneer bdp-Lx88 bluray and denon avr-x7200w to it . when i set video output of pioneer bluray player and denon avr-x7200w to 4K (50/60). Sometime, i got a flashing picture . it is similar to the attached youtube video .

I had changed another HDMI cable such as audioquest carbon HDMI (5m long) and audioquest (vodka) 3m long . Both of them are claim for HDMI 2.0 . but this problems is still happening. I also update the latest firmware of this TV, bluray and denon AV amplifier. it seem that this issue still cannot be solved. But when i set the output setting of bluray player and denon X7200 to 1080p or 4K (24/30) .. the problems are seem to be solver...

Do anyone own this TV has the same problems with 4K (50/60) video input..?

Please advice what problems is it ? Thank you very much

lamfafa 發表於 2015-3-14 23:13

masterk 發表於 2014-12-7 07:44
深水埗新成田有 show 58",
1, 講顏色,係相當自然,面色唔會唐人變鬼佬, ...

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