Burson Conductor Virtuoso
Burson 已Upgrade Conductorhttp://www.bursonaudio.com/products/conductor/ Current Conductor user:
Removed gain switch, added a remote, changed volume knob, upgraded usb module
From description, cant see lots of differences... but the ti version is cheaper than before tho Some forum revealed that they have upgraded their stepped attenuator from 24 steps to 100 steps. burson‘s volume control is very annoying before. THe sond can be either too loud or too small..... Just wondering: Is it a good choice to remove gain switch even they changed the volume knob to 100steps?
Personally prefer with gain switch.... 一直不喜歡burson放大器{:1_352:} 原來不是 stepped attenuator。Burson 介紹是 Burr Brown flagship volume control chip PGA3210-100 step volume control。