班目一角 發表於 2015-9-29 11:21


penguin_happy 發表於 2015-10-5 20:02

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-9-20 21:14

首先確認不是軟件問題。建議先做一次 Reset to Factory default se ...

試過reset再flash過3.1,又試過flash 3.0,都仲係有咁既問題,可能真係要入廠。。。如果send返廠整通常要幾多日?

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-5 20:54

penguin_happy 發表於 2015-10-5 20:02 static/image/common/back.gif
試過reset再flash過3.1,又試過flash 3.0,都仲係有咁既問題,可能真係要入廠。。。如果send返廠整通常要幾 ...

返到廠計,維修期是 2-6 日左右, 要視乎壞乜。留意國內 3 個大假:五一,十一和春節,插到呢三個期就要等假期後才提供維修服務了。

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-6 01:58

今晚開心到訓唔著,因為 InnerFidelity 的第二回合的 DAP 橫評竟然 N6 榜上有名,而且好評如潮。

同我較熟的師兄都知我對 InnerFidelity 非常捧, 而且在交流中多次引用他們的 Headphone test data,最近他們的 Big Sound 2015 project 更是由開始籌備已追住來睇的瘋狂 project,所以突然見到 N6 在 InnerFidelity 的頭版出現,梗係即襟照睇,仲睇完又睇添!

大家事不宜遲,快 D 去睇下 InnerFidelity 點樣評論 N6 啦,我睇完的感覺很簡單,就是「你心寫我心」,滾動啊!


charliey 發表於 2015-10-14 17:51

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-6 01:58 static/image/common/back.gif
今晚開心到訓唔著,因為 InnerFidelity 的第二回合的 DAP 橫評竟然 N6 榜上有名,而且好評如潮。

同我較 ...

extract from above link {:1_330:}

Sound Quality
From what I've written so far, the N6 probably sounds like a decent product if not really a standout choice. The design is interesting, fit/finish is excellent, and the price is reasonable considering what the competition charges. Then we come to sound quality; this is where it differentiates itself, and to be honest it caught me somewhat off guard. The N6 sounds VERY impressive. Not just "for the price" but impressive period. It's got a very natural, organic sound to it—slightly smooth but still quite detailed, it's nearly as easygoing as a Pono for the long term, yet also more dynamic and exciting. It has better detail retrieval and superior low frequency impact, making it more appealing for a wider variety of genres. I might choose Pono for poor recordings, and I still dig Pono in balanced mode for home use, but for most everything else I reach for the N6 without a second thought.

The essentially zero output impedance and selectable gain make the N6 an ideal choice for IEM use. Listeners are greeted by a completely black background even with very sensitive IEMs. And even those models with crazy impedance swings still maintain their character—output impedance is somewhere around 0.25 Ohms, meaning everything sounds as it should. The more I think about it, the more this makes complete sense, and I wonder why most DAPs aren't made the same way. Isn't a portable player most likely to be paired with IEMs in the first place? So why do so many have issues with output impedance and hiss? I'd even be fine with having limited current/voltage in exchange for perfect IEM compatibility. Thankfully Cayin is able to nail IEM performance. The N6 has become one of my favorites for my Noble, JH Audio, Westone, EarWerkz, and various other IEMs. I especially appreciate the volume scheme which is done in the analog domain but using the digital controller chip. This gives excellent channel matching and a very precise feel even at extremely low volumes.

Another impressive achievement? As good as it is with IEMs, the N6 also does a very respectable job with full-size headphones. I enjoy it with the Audeze LCD-2, HiFiMAN HE-500, and especially the AKG K812. Its amp section does give up some ground to quality desktop units, mainly when using higher impedance headphones like HD650. But I'd still call it enjoyable considering the size limitations. Using it as a USB DAC in my desktop rig, the N6 didn't fall too far behind the Resonessence Labs Concero HP which is a big achievement. The Concero is more insightful and does soundstage in a more convincing manner but we aren't talking night and day differences by any means.

I messed with adding portable amps to the setup using the line-out jack, and found that it generally wasn't all that necessary. The integrated amp sounds plenty good with most of the headphones and IEMs I would use in a portable scenario. Favorites of mine such as the Leckerton UHA-6S II sound different but not necessarily a whole lot better. Not enough, in my view, to justify the added bulk. For home use a powerful external amp would be appreciated when driving tougher loads, so I do enjoy having the line-out option available.

Overall, considering pure SQ only and not focusing on other aspects, I'd rank the N6 ahead of the HiFiMAN HM-802 with stock amp card. The 802 might appeal to those looking for a warmer experience, while most everyone else would probably choose the Cayin. When driving IEMs it roughly matches the 802 outfitted with the IEM amp card. Yet the N6 maintains the ability to use bigger headphones—the 802 needs to swap amp cards to really do justice in that case. Factor in the superior build and the slightly better UI, and I think Cayin handily trumps HiFiMAN in this particular case. Which is surprising as I really do enjoy the HM-802 quite a bit. The N6 approaches and nearly matches the Calyx M which as I've said is a spectacular sounding DAP. Don't let the price fool you—this one can run with the big boys in the segment.

Read more at http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/survey-digital-audio-players-part-2-cayin-n6#oSCi4dkUZ20RLPDx.99

dick99760 發表於 2015-10-16 21:40


CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-17 10:58

dick99760 發表於 2015-10-16 21:40 static/image/common/back.gif

可以的, N6 有 同軸輸出,連接 Hugo 不會太難攪,PCM 沒有問題,但 DSD 會轉 88.2。Cayin 正開發 N6 的同軸出 DoP 功能,將來有望可 N6 接 Hugo 也有 DSD 直解!

你需要弄一條 75ohm 的 3.5 轉 RCA 的過機同軸線,淘寶和香港 HeadFi 點都有見過類似的線材,但 75ohm 的 線材和 RCA 頭易求,75ohm 的 3.5mm 頭應還找不到!

dick99760 發表於 2015-10-18 00:57

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-17 10:58 static/image/common/back.gif
可以的, N6 有 同軸輸出,連接 Hugo 不會太難攪,PCM 沒有問題,但 DSD 會轉 88.2。Cayin 正開發 N6...

即係現在買Hugo 都沒用

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-18 01:07

dick99760 發表於 2015-10-18 00:57 static/image/common/back.gif
即係現在買Hugo 都沒用

咁我又唔會因為個 3.5mm 頭唔係 75ohm 而結論 "現在買Hugo 都沒用",我是指出不排除個頭有影響,但又不至定生死!

另一個想法,我自已用 N6,唯一曾心動「加多件」的是加便攜耳擴 (例如AHA-120) 而不是 DAC/Amp, 我覺得 N6的 Line Out 十分優秀,而且音色合我意,所以我想保留 N6 的解碼。

dennis33kwong 發表於 2015-10-18 07:29

CayinAndy 發表於 2015-10-18 01:07 static/image/common/back.gif
咁我又唔會因為個 3.5mm 頭唔係 75ohm 而結論 "現在買Hugo 都沒用",我是指出不排除個頭有影響,但又不至 ...

小弟也曾在腦海中閃過為 N6 加多件的可為性,因為聽厭了動鐵耳機(小弟用的是846) , 想換一換口味,找隻動圈式耳機玩下(例:IE800),配合 N6 ,感受一下人聲的感情,Andy 兄在此曾介紹過 Cayin 有部便攜耳擴 C5,未知是否可以配合 N6 使用呢,有沒有相關的資料參考呢。

其實小弟是很滿意現在的便攜組合的 (N6 + BA 銅合金 + SE846),也有去耳機店試聽其他機種比較,聽過 AK240 的低音略比 N6 延伸長一點,中高也比 N6 華麗一些,但價錢是 N6 的四倍,不知是否可以利用這些差價補足這一點點的改善呢,所以才閃過為 N6 加多件的念頭。
頁: 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [100] 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
查看完整版本: Cayin N6: 雙 1792A DSD128+ISO (新 v4.3固件 pg 106)

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