tommy852 發表於 2014-11-7 01:27

佢咁平 真係有d interest

deathson 發表於 2014-11-7 01:49

Price list of kickstarter

Model EarlyBird Price(USD)MSRetail Price(USD)
ADEL Control 100 199
ADEL Ambient 2 200 399
ADEL Ambient 4 250 499
ADEL Ambient 8 350 699
ADEL Ambient 12 500 999
1964|ADEL U-Series 4 300 499
1964|ADEL U-Series 5 420 699
1964|ADEL U-Series 6 480 799
1964|ADEL U-Series 8 540 899
1964|ADEL A10 Custom 1000 1799
1964|ADEL A12 Custom 1200 1999

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-7 22:26

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-7 01:27 static/image/common/back.gif
佢咁平 真係有d interest

加埋個捐款, 其實唔平

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-7 23:37

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-7 22:26 static/image/common/back.gif
加埋個捐款, 其實唔平

有講捐款? 幾錢?

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-8 00:06

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-7 23:37 static/image/common/back.gif
有講捐款? 幾錢?

應該係右手邊果個COLUMN PLEDGE既金額
佢寫"This project will only be funded if at least $200,000 is pledged by Sun, Dec 14 2014 3:28 PM AWST."
而家幾日間就有$155,230 pledged, 咁應該買家都要將pledged amount捐出來啦
以A10為例, 就係最少$1000+$1799@40%OFF

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-8 00:12

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-8 00:06 static/image/common/back.gif
應該係右手邊果個COLUMN PLEDGE既金額
佢寫"This project will only be funded if at least $200,000 is...


HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-8 00:18

本帖最後由 HiRO84 於 2014-11-8 00:20 編輯

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-8 00:12 static/image/common/back.gif

果個EarlyBird Price係耳機折扣後既價, pledged amount係campaign成功後再俾既捐款?
如果唔係, 買家點樣funding個campaign?

"Now, we’re ready to take the next step and get these great products out of our labs and into your ears. And we need your help to make this happen. Your funds will help us make your music, and everything else, sound just as good years from now as they do today. Your funds will help end the hearing damage caused by earbuds and other personal listening devices found on the market today. Your funds will help the world hear everything they way it should be heard. Your funds will help everyone hear RealLoud!"

咁EarlyBird Price係funding既reward

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-8 00:47

之後運去邊到 幾錢等等

如果係你咁講 仲邊有人買

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-8 00:54

本帖最後由 HiRO84 於 2014-11-8 00:55 編輯

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-8 00:47 static/image/common/back.gif
之後運去邊到 幾錢等等

SORRY, Ching, 應該你至啱
應該係1964ADEL team宜家需要買家pledged既funding(即耳機既early bird price)去試驗生產研究出來既耳機

tommy852 發表於 2014-11-8 00:59

HiRO84 發表於 2014-11-8 00:54 static/image/common/back.gif
SORRY, Ching, 應該你至啱
應該係1964ADEL team宜家需要買家pledged ...

{:1_326:} 講起又係 我都唔記得左
頁: 1 [2] 3 4 5
查看完整版本: 1964EAR ADEL kickstarter project已開始

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