windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 18:13

小試新出的earsonics velvet,好有驚喜! 心思思呀唉………

話說今日無聊上某熊仔店睇下sony d新耳機,試左A3, Z5都覺得感覺還不錯,正打算走嘅時候見到店員執緊貨,係一隻叫Velvet的耳機,望真d原來係earsonics 剛出的產品,我一直都對earsonics嘅耳機頗有好感,見店員拆左一隻出黎做demo,我馬上就攞黎試下。
呢隻耳機有得換電阻調音, reference brigth tone, natural,bass and treble boost,預設係natural,我亦都係用natural 黎試。

scene030112 發表於 2014-10-29 18:28


jasonfoknxu 發表於 2014-10-29 18:34


kenneth寶 發表於 2014-10-29 19:01


windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 19:23

kenneth寶 發表於 2014-10-29 19:01 static/image/common/back.gif

我就鐘意velvet 多過sem6

斯路 發表於 2014-10-29 20:57


windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 20:58

斯路 發表於 2014-10-29 20:57 static/image/common/back.gif
我其實都非常鐘意Earsonics呢個品牌,不過佢越出越高階亦越出越貴,真係想支持都無辦法。未知呢對Velvet係 ...


斯路 發表於 2014-10-29 21:17

windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 20:58 static/image/common/back.gif



windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 21:26

斯路 發表於 2014-10-29 21:17 static/image/common/back.gif

近800美金,真係唔好亂黎 ...


windwolf447 發表於 2014-10-29 22:00


There have been a lot of questions about the EarSonics Velvet universal in-ear monitor and how it compares with other universal fit EarSonics products, so I have done comparisons to the SM64 and S-EM6, which are below.
Vs. SM64:
Sharing the EarSonics sound signature, the SM64 has a more laid-back presentation but a smaller average soundstage and less capability to project sound in the distance.Imaging, layering, and presentation depth are better from the Velvet, which offers a more clear and concise presentation.Average note ADSR is similar, but the Velvet has a more natural decay resulting in a smoother, more natural sound.Detail levels are significantly higher with the Velvet and resolution within the soundstage is also better.Transparency and coherence are also better from the Velvet.
Bass of the Velvet is more prominent, especially deep bass, even at a quarter turn of the bass knob, conveying much more power.Warmth is similar as is thickness.The Velvet has a good deal more clarity within the midrange with a cleaner sound that conveys more detail and adds layers the SM64 doesn’t have resulting in a more involving experience.The upper midrange of the SM64 is more laid-back, as is the treble, and the quality of the Velvet in both areas is superior.
Vs. S-EM6:
The Velvet and S-EM6 share EarSonics house sound characteristics, but have different presentation perspectives and average note speed.The bass adjustment knob of the Velvet can turn the bass up significantly higher than what the S-EM6 naturally produces, with about a quarter turn from minimum for an equivalent level.Spatially, the Velvet has a slightly more laid-back presentation perspective and a more open sound but a slightly smaller overall space while the S-EM6 has better imaging for a more realistic and resolving soundstage.Notes of the S-EM6 are a bit more analytical yet thicker, with a sharper attack and decay yet longer sustain leading to a good deal more detail and punch despite the thicker sound.Coherence and transparency are similar while clarity is slightly superior with the Velvet.
Deep bass of the Velvet is more pronounced than the S-EM6 at all but the absolute lowest knob settings, which results in similar amounts.When the sub-bass is adjusted to similar levels, the S-EM6 is warmer.Bass quality is close, but the S-EM6 is a bit tighter with better laying.While the S-EM6’s more forward presentation has better layering and presentation depth, the slightly more laid-back Velvet has a cleaner sound that is more open.The upper midrange of the Velvet is slightly more prominent in relation to the midrange than the S-EM6, as is the treble.Treble notes are smoother on the Velvet, but more revealing of issues with poor quality tracks.
The universal shell of the Velvet has a longer distance from the housing to the end of the nozzle resulting in a better fit.Sensitivity is similar, but the soundstage presentation and note characterizes allow the Velvet to retain its clarity at louder volumes.
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查看完整版本: 小試新出的earsonics velvet,好有驚喜! 心思思呀唉………

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