《Layover》Nathalie Fay, Karl E. Landler
導演 : Joshua Caldwell主演 : Nathalie Fay, Karl E. Landler, Bella Dayne, Hal Ozsan,
Marem Hassler, Natalie Loren, Danielle Caldwell
美國上映日期: 2014年10月13日
Simone, a young, Parisian's connecting flight to Singapore is cancelled and she is forced to spend the night in Los Angeles. After contacting an old friend, she heads out for a night of fun only to wind up ditched at a random club. With the help of a handsome and mysterious motorcyclist, she finds her way through the LA night-life of after-parties, beautiful people and endless lights. Will she make her connection?
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t31.0-8/10708558_357595521081677_4398435520340526535_o.jpg S731bRe-hUc