lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-14 22:48

Shampoo - Trouble

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-14 22:49

Blur feat Phil Daniels Parklife (Live From Later... With Jools Holland)

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-14 22:50

Erasure - I Love Saturday

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-14 22:51

Sparks - When do I get to sing my way (HD 16:9)

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-14 22:53

2wo Third3 - I want the world

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-11-7 14:16

Now That's What I Call Music! 30 or Now 30 was released in 1995. The album is the 30th edition of the (UK) Now! series. It was released on vinyl, audio cassette and CD formats.

The Oasis song "Whatever" features on this album. The song itself was a non-album single, with the single later becoming rare, so fans were tempted to buy Now 30 to find the song. "Whatever" finally made an Oasis album in 2010.

Now 30 features four songs which reached number one on the UK Singles Chart: "Love Can Build a Bridge", "Stay Another Day", "Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)" and "Cotton Eye Joe".

CD/Record/Tape 1
1. "Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out"   Freak Power 4:14
2. "Whoops Now"   Janet Jackson 3:41
3. "Love Me for a Reason"   Boyzone 3:29
4. "Love Can Build a Bridge"   Cher, Chrissie Hynde and Neneh Cherry with Eric Clapton 4:14
5. "Stay Another Day"   East 17 4:25
6. "Over My Shoulder"   Mike + The Mechanics 3:23
7. "Crocodile Shoes"   Jimmy Nail 4:07
8. "Independent Love Song"   Scarlet 3:52
9. "She's a River"   Simple Minds 4:26
10. "Wake Up Boo!"   The Boo Radleys 3:05
11. "Tell Me When"   The Human League 4:37
12. "Sight for Sore Eyes"   M People 3:54
13. "This Cowboy Song"   Sting 3:58
14. "Save It 'Til The Mourning After"   Shut Up and Dance 3:32
15. "Bump n' Grind"   R. Kelly 3:51
16. "Oh Baby I..."   Eternal 4:26
17. "Protection"   Massive Attack featuring Tracey Thorn 4:49
18. "Glory Box"   Portishead 3:35
19. "Whatever"   Oasis 6:00

CD/Record/Tape 2
1. "Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)"   Outhere Brothers 3:06
2. "Don't Give Me Your Life"   Alex Party 3:08
3. "U Sure Do"   Strike 3:09
4. "The Bomb (These Sounds Fall into My Mind)"   Kenny Dope presents The Bucketheads 3:21
5. "Push the Feeling On"   Nightcrawlers 4:01
6. "Always (Something There to Remind Me)"   Tin Tin Out 3:27
7. "Baby Baby"   Corona 3:45
8. "Axel F"   Clock 3:18
9. "Set You Free"   N-Trance 4:08
10. "You Belong To Me"   JX 4:00
11. "Reach Up (Papa's Got A Brand New Pig Bag)"   Perfecto Allstars 3:39
12. "Cotton Eye Joe"   Rednex 3:11
13. "Call It Love"   Deuce 4:00
14. "Here I Go"   2 Unlimited 3:19
15. "Run Away"   MC Sar & The Real McCoy 3:53
16. "Total Eclipse of the Heart"   Nicki French 3:45
17. "Suddenly"   Sean Maguire 3:58
18. "Two Can Play That Game"   Bobby Brown 3:10
19. "Hoochie Booty"   Ultimate Kaos 3:48
20. "Bubbling Hot"   Pato Banton and Ranking Roger 3:27
21. "One"   Mica Paris 4:26

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-11-7 14:18

Freak Power - Turn On, Turn In, Cop Out

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-11-7 14:19

Janet Jackson: Whoops Now (Official Music Video)

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-11-7 14:20

Boyzone - Love Me For A Reason

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-11-7 14:21

Love Can Build A Bridge (Official Music Video)
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