ห้อง หลอก หลอน《The Rooms》恐怖片
本帖最後由 day2013 於 2014-10-9 04:06 編輯導演 : Jaded Aueychimplee, Ittisak Eusunthornwattana
主演 : Savika Chaiyadej, Yoko Takano, Kavee Tanjararak
泰國上映日期: 2014年06月05日
新加坡上映日期: 2014年10月16日
Three horror stories have happened in three different rooms. One is Green Sonata, the story of one nobleman who had true love with his wife. His house is close to the brothel. He passed that brothel everyday, but he never paid any attention to the prostitutes there. One day, his wife becomes paralysed from an accident. He still look after her with hope that one day she will recover. But his sexual need leads him to the brothel, and he has an affair with one prostitute there. The horror starts from this point. Can his wife`s soul accept this? And what would she do with them? The second is Honeymoon Suite. When love at first sight brings a horrible experience to her, how will she cope? Ple, a brokenheart girl came from Chiangmai to Bangkok for vacation. She got a special offer to stay in the Honeymoon Suite because her booked room was not available. And in that room, a horrible experience happens. The third is 17.00. The story of the Mafia, and his follower, had to stay in the last room in the hotel because it was fully booked. This was not the first time. So the follower knew very well what he would find in the room. Did it really happen or was it just his imagination? No matter what it was, it is all very unsettling!
http://jediyuth.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/the-room-green-sonata-banner.jpg jSJK0GHBYqY&list
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10382342_630648677029875_9127563314866346022_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10357757_629698740458202_7100203598697114305_o.jpg