andynali 發表於 2014-10-4 10:39

Problem In Using the New V3.0 MediaControl in iPhone

Hi Support Team,
Once I updated my Media Control in my iPhone to V3.0, my AV amp and TV keep on receiving no signal from the 103.It looks like once the 103 is controlling by the iPhone, it stop sending TV signal for a couple of sec. in every 10 sec.The 103 works well using the remote and is upgraded to the latest firmware (77).
Can you double check the MC V3.0?


andynali 發表於 2014-10-5 13:06

Hi Team,
Got some updates for your shooting.If I disconnected the Lan (lan cable or WiFi) from my TV-Samsung UA55ES8000, it works fine (the MC v3.0 controls the oppo 103 very well).But if I put the Lan back to my TV and switch on the MC, the TV will be switched on and off for every 1x secs.I guess the problem is from the MC v3.0, because I never come across this problem before + even the 103 is off, the TV switching problem will happen once the MC is turned (from in my iPhone 5s).   I also found the 'Internet Connection Light' from my TV Settop box is not stable, once the MC is on.   
Can you have a check on the the MC v3.0?What is keep on sending out from the MC to the local lan network?


leqee 發表於 2014-10-8 11:08

andynali 發表於 2014-10-5 13:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi Team,
Got some updates for your shooting.If I disconnected the Lan (lan cable or WiFi) from my...


fai514 發表於 2014-10-8 12:26

我都與到以上問題,我部電視係sony 40hx850,我最初都以為部電視壞,揾左sony電視師父上嚟睇,佢—入工程模式睇已知係外來問題,事後發現係係同—網絡下用你地app遙控105d會導致電視異常熄機重啟及死機要拔電源再插先冇事(好彩部電視仲係保用中)…請oppo跟進

andynali 發表於 2014-10-8 22:55

Hi Support team,
I only need to switch on the TV and active the MC v3.0 app. from my iPhone 5S, the problem comes.(I mean all other equipment, which including settop box, 103, are all off)   The MC ver. 2.2 was working fine.
My TV is Samsung UA55ES800 and my iPhone is still running on iOS7.

andynali 發表於 2014-10-8 23:07

Hi team,
I just got a call from my friend, he has the same problem.He is using Samsung UA32ES6100.I guess the MC v3.0 is keep on send out a broadcasting command, which causing the problem.My 2 cents.

Thanks for solving it out.


leqee 發表於 2014-10-11 11:11


andynali 發表於 2014-10-13 22:22

Noted and thanks!

ballgor 發表於 2014-11-18 22:33

leqee 發表於 2014-10-11 11:11 static/image/common/back.gif

Hi team,

I am using BDO-105D with the latest firmware. Whenever I try to use my iPhone's Mediacontrol 3.0.2 to access my music files in NAS, the app crashes. Seems that it is a common problem as I saw comment at Apple's App Store.

leqee 發表於 2014-11-19 09:07

ballgor 發表於 2014-11-18 22:33 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi team,

I am using BDO-105D with the latest firmware. Whenever I try to use my iPhone's Mediaco ...

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