本帖最後由 AREA51 於 2014-11-19 11:35 編輯Samsung Concert Demo 碟 $120
Leslie Imagine Concert **sold**
Radiohead King of Limbs $130
Michael Jackson - That is it (steelbook 行版) $200
Knowing $60
Town $60 **sold**
Narnia 2D+3D **sold**
King Fu Panda**sold**
Pixer short films 2 $130 **sold**
Akira **sold**
Final fantasy movie + game set $140
Wanted steelbook 有花 德版有中字 **sold**
Transformers 1 (日版 冇中字) $70
Transformers 2 (美版 2 disc) $80
吸血新世紀 4下集 $90
The Smurfs **sold**
Hellboy 2 (3D紙盒美版,冇中字) **sold**
Skyline **sold**
Spider Man 3 (2 disc) $90 **sold**
irobot $70
No country for old man 冇中字 $50
Ironman 1(2 disc紙盒,冇中字) $80
Ironman 2(2 disc) $100
The Dark Knight $100
Grease (法版冇中字)$80 **sold**
瀝咕瀝咕 **sold**
不能盡錄 歡迎發問!
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) please check pm Please hold Wanted steelbook 有花 德版有中字 $80 Sorry, Ching . 擺烏龍。 Akira $130Thanks Ching! JERRY (91618210) please check PM {:8_395:} pls check pm