KEF Less 50%
有冇Ching 出生日期係 1961-10-02, 5 折購買 500,000 內任何KEF 產品,如果你用唔到頂 500,000, 請 pm 我買對 Blade, 薄酬 Thx
To celebrate the founding of KEF on October 2nd 1961, KEF Store is thrilled to annouance an unprecedented birthday surprise! From 30th September to 12th October, any customer who visits KEF Store during this period and shares the same birthday as KEF, will enjoy an exceptioanl 50% off discount on any KEF product. If a customer isn’t lucky enough to have the exact same birthday, there are still further opportunities to take advantage of some excellent promotional discounts:
• Match up either the year, the month or date as KEF’s birthday “2nd“, “October“ or “1961“ and customers can enjoy a one-off 15% discount on any KEF products in a single transaction.
• Match up any two: the year, the month or date as KEF’s birthday “2nd“, “October“ or “1961“ and customers can enjoy a one-off 25% discount on any KEF products in a single transaction.
• 3. Same birthday as KEF can enjoy a one-off 50% discount on any KEF products in a single transaction.
哇...正{:6_193:}如果有5拆我一定入 Kef Reference 5 & Reference 4c 我都買Kef Reference 5{:6_157:} 1961 2月得唔得呀{:9_419:} 冇我份{:6_123:}{:6_123:} lawzelda 發表於 2014-9-23 15:02 static/image/common/back.gif
我中左三份一,15% off.但系有啦,系咪?{:9_419:} KEF絕橋, {:8_402:} pac 發表於 2014-9-23 14:56 static/image/common/back.gif
我都買Kef Reference 5 1961 2月得唔得呀
你就想{:6_238:} 我都想 50% 買對喇叭 .........{:6_126:} jason1969 發表於 2014-9-23 15:39 static/image/common/back.gif
我中左1961呀,有15% off呀{:9_436:} pac 發表於 2014-9-23 15:53 static/image/common/back.gif
我中左1961呀,有15% off呀