Nova Media 美國隊長2
Dear International customer
We do not know how to applogize to our valued customer who has been trouble with server down
and payment problem through paypal,
Paypal just blocked our paypal account during the pre-order due to security reason.
so we discussed with payapl on the line to resolve payment problem issue.
Now paypal payment problem is just resolved.
Technically due to payment problem, Both edtion is not out of stock.
so we are going to live both of CA2 edition again.
Pre-oder date/time: 13th September as Today, 20:00(Seoul, S. Korea)
Until next pre-order time, we will do our best as much as we can to resolve all issue and
install more server to make pre-order easily
Once again, we feel very very sorry about this situation, hope we meet you again today 20:00
if you already have placed order for Both CA2 edition, we will summarize all completed order
to send confirmation mail to you.
{:6_207:} Dear International customer
We do not know how to applogize to our valued customer who has been trouble with server down
and payment problem through paypal,
Paypal just blocked our paypal account during the pre-order due to security reason.
so we discussed with payapl on the line to resolve payment problem issue.
Now paypal payment problem is just resolved.
Technically due to payment proble⋯⋯