《Alan Wake 2》仍有機會面世 Remedy如是說
本帖最後由 @肥狗仔@ 於 2014-9-7 13:04 編輯有生之年系列...嚴格黎講其實Remedy喺哩一代主機上只推出過一款作品,不過佢地亦都憑住《Alan Wake》向玩家證明自己除咗玩子彈時間之外整驚慄遊戲都有一手,可惜遊戲唔賣得就是了。先前嘅GC2014上面Xbox Achievements就訪問咗Remedy Entertainment的創意總監Sam Lake,其指出工作室正在尋找適當時機續寫《Alan Wake》那"未完成的故事",而現階段只會集中精力於《Quantum Break》開發上:
“We’re really, really proud of all the games we have made," said Lake. "And obviously all of them are dear to us. They have a special place in our hearts."
“You never know about the future and as have we have said about Alan Wake, the sequel didn't work out at this point. But definitely we are looking for opportunities to do more, someday, when the time is right.”
http://www.xboxachievements.com/news/news-19189-Remedy-Looking-for-Opportunities-to-Make-Alan-Wake-2.html 我都期待出續集! 本帖最後由 @肥狗仔@ 於 2014-9-7 17:26 編輯
主要都係睇微軟想唔想做,遲下PS4會有堆獨佔恐怖game,若果想頂,Alan Wake2係唔錯嘅選擇~
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 記得Alan Wake個feel好震撼
尤其係玩nightmare mode
拚命跑去著燈嘅地方{:1_352:} 我都好希望有續集! 個故事好有Stephen King味道! 玩慣日式大堆頭所謂恐怖game, 尼隻絕對係佳作! 我都好喜歡呢隻,爆左幾次機{:8_392:}