pbtour4il 發表於 2014-8-26 22:14

Sex Tape【春光乍網】BD / DVD

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2014-8-26 23:13 編輯

美版 Street Date:21 Oct,2014

The Blu-ray Combo Pack will include:
• Bloopers
• Deleted & Extended Scenes
• Line-O-Rama – Alternate takes on the jokes
•Romance Reboot with Dr. Jenn Berman – A well-known relationship expert gives audiences advice on various relationship topics, including the best ways to keep things fresh in a relationship, tricks for increasing effective communication, rescue remedies to salvage a waning sex life, and much more.
•Capturing the Moment – Cameron and Jason talk about what it was like to film the infamous sex tape created by their characters, including some awkward moments while filming, the hysterical positions they twisted themselves into, and what it was like for Jason to see Cameron in a bikini on roller skates.
•Meet Hank Rosenbaum – Hank welcomes viewers into his luxurious Brentwood mansion for a tour of his renowned art collection.He explains his love of art, showcasing three large oil paintings that he had commissioned, which were inspired by iconic fairy tale characters, but with his face replacing those characters.The tour continues into Hank’s world as we meet his German Shepherd, Ariel.

The single disc DVD will include:
•Capturing the Moment
•Meet Hank Rosenbaum

jamesbond168 發表於 2014-8-26 22:44


pbtour4il 發表於 2014-10-24 13:19

台版 Street Date: 5 Dec, 2014

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