發表於 2014-8-28 09:58
其實每個人屋企同每個showroom既情況都唔同, 基本上同一套組合去到唔同地方既效果都會唔同, 去showroom試聽只係可以試到嗰部器材既大概聲底同聲音表現係點, 要1:1 copy到去第二度係無可能, 最簡單例子: 銅鑼灣KEF同尖沙咀KEF既reference都已經係唔同效果~~!! {:9_423:}
Marantz CD6005 & PM6005, Speaker KEF Q300, 呢套組合唔可以話好勁, 但以入門嚟講算係可以, 任何器材買返嚟都要時間比佢煲, 所謂既煲唔係放喺度等, 而係真係聽, 樓主你全套都新既小弟估300-400粒鐘真係走唔甩, 煲既期間可以試吓調教喇叭位置, 例如書架單元高度(你可以坐喺皇帝位自己上下郁吓聽吓邊個位最好聽), 如果知道大約高度可以搵腳架或者釘墊(硬幣同棋都可以用住先)嚟教, 再試吓唔同角度既toe-in, 每次郁最好都用最少3-4首你熟悉而又表現到高中低頻既歌(人聲及大掤嘢)去試~~!! {:8_400:}
我諗試到咁上下都已經煲咗一半, 跟住你慢慢享受2-3個月, 之後再諗吓聽吓究理想要咩再去著手, 其實音響嘢來來去去都係三件事: 1. 空間擺位; 2. 電; 3. 振, 揀邊樣搵邊樣去調就係根據返自己情況. 記住所有嘢係樓主你自己聽出嚟, 除非去你屋企家訪, 唔係呢度大部分CHING其實都係根據經驗去"估"~~!! {:9_421:}
發表於 2014-8-28 10:22
ykluk 發表於 2014-8-28 09:58 static/image/common/back.gif
其實每個人屋企同每個showroom既情況都唔同, 基本上同一套組合去到唔同地方既效果都會唔同, 去showroom試聽 ...
發表於 2014-8-28 10:52
cckkmm 發表於 2014-8-28 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
唔好客氣, 最緊要玩得開心~~!! {:9_407:}
發表於 2014-8-28 18:16
本帖最後由 andynax 於 2014-8-28 18:20 編輯
There have 10% change of sound only after completed burn-in. Of course, in the speaker burn-in life, the major change of sound is the first 3-6 months, you can image that what about of the sound for your system after this period.
KEF Q300 is not bad, keep it until you are upgraded your CD player and amplifier.
This is my experience and share to any newbie:
1. Change all of IC & SP to cheap cheap "Reference Sound" cable such Belden, Sommer, Gotham and Canare
2. Change all power core to any "Natural sound" power core such Sommer
3. Listen your system, you will find "the sound of your system"
4. Move your speaker position if you listen is not enough or more bass
Try listen all kind of your fav. CD so that I think you can make the decision by self{:1_343:}
Hope that can help
發表於 2014-8-29 08:49
andynax 發表於 2014-8-28 18:16 static/image/common/back.gif
There have 10% change of sound only after completed burn-in. Of course, in the speaker burn-in life, ...
發表於 2014-8-29 14:35
andynax 發表於 2014-8-28 18:16 static/image/common/back.gif
There have 10% change of sound only after completed burn-in. Of course, in the speaker burn-in life, ...
請問IC & SP是 什麼 ? {:6_141:}
發表於 2014-8-29 14:39
keng0902 發表於 2014-8-29 14:35
請問IC & SP是 什麼 ?