whtang 發表於 2014-8-15 10:59

《蝙蝠俠》BATMAN: 25th Anniversary Two-Disc Edition

本帖最後由 whtang 於 2014-8-15 11:02 編輯

1989 Batman 又出特別版了...

Burbank, CA, August 14, 2014 – To help mark Warner Bros. Entertainment (WBE) and DC Entertainment’s milestone 75th anniversary of DC Comics’ popular Batman character, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) will release Batman 25th Anniversary Two-Disc Edition, a new Blu-ray™ edition debuting November 11 (at $24.98 SRP) in the studio’s distinctive new sleek Diamond Luxe collector-style packaging. With its state-of-the-art sophisticated and durable design, the new packaging is perfect for those wishing to add this edition to their home libraries. Also included is Batman: The Birth of the Modern Blockbuster -- a look at the phenomenal marketing, extensive merchandising and franchise foresight that set the template for the next 25 years of tentpole pictures.

WBHE and DCE’s year-long celebration, befitting the world’s most popular Super Hero, will boast new products from WBE and DC Entertainment in numerous areas – comics, TV, Interactive Entertainment, Consumer Products and more. There is a new commemorative 75th anniversary Batman logo and an exclusive “Cape/Cowl/Create” art exhibit, featuring 20 contemporary artists’ interpretations of The Dark Knight’s iconic cowl headpiece and cape from the new Batman: Arkham Knight video game. Various other events are taking place throughout the year.

In addition to releasing Batman 25th Anniversary Two-Disc Edition, WBHE will also feature the highly anticipated release of the 1960s Batman: The Complete Television Series for the first time ever. Other new home entertainment releases include animated films Son of Batman and Batman: Assault on Arkham.

Lastly, as Batman’s 75th anniversary is celebrated this year, Warner Bros. Pictures has begun production of Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice starring Henry Cavill, who reprises his role as Superman/Clark Kent, Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Gal Gadot as Diane Prince/Wonder Woman. The film, slated for release summer 2016, will bring the most iconic superheros of all time together for the first time on the big screen.

In announcing the Batman 75th anniversary initiative in March, WB Chairman and Chief Executive Kevin Tsujihara noted, “Batman is an incredibly important property with multi-generational appeal across all of the Studio’s businesses, and we’re proud to celebrate this milestone anniversary. From billion-dollar blockbuster films to TV, home entertainment, video games and consumer products, The Dark Knight continues to resonate with audiences worldwide and rightfully deserves his place as a global pop culture icon for the ages.”

In 1989, director Tim Burton breathed new life into one of the most complex and intriguing characters in popular culture. Burton cast off the 1960s camp depiction of The Dark Knight and launched for Warner Bros. one of the most popular comic book film series ever. BATMAN was the top-grossing movie that year and subsequently became a global phenomenon.

Tim Burton’s vision and Michael Keaton’s performance as The Caped Crusader combine perfectly to capture Gotham City’s sinister atmosphere and Batman’s brooding nature. Jack Nicholson stars in a memorable performance as the maniacal Joker and Kim Basinger is Vicki Vale, the beautiful and resourceful photojournalist desired by both men. Featuring songs by Prince and a score by Danny Elfman, BATMAN won the 1990 Oscar® for Best Art Direction/Set Decoration (Anton Furst and Peter Young).

"BATMAN: The Birth of the Modern Blockbuster" - Discover how the film's phenomenal marketing, extensive merchandising and franchise foresight set the template for the next 25 years of tentpole pictures.

Hon 發表於 2014-8-15 21:01


jc2ssych 發表於 2014-8-15 22:19


alleelarry 發表於 2014-8-17 14:12

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(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

alleelarry 發表於 2014-8-17 14:13

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(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

Hon 發表於 2014-8-17 14:25

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(Post76 Android 手機版送出)


所以我好理性, 重覆太多同埋太差唔會買.

kennethc2k 發表於 2014-8-17 16:58


黑冰 發表於 2014-8-17 17:57

ar 甘又唔出

blackjacklun 發表於 2014-8-17 22:09

無限 loop,直到永遠,阿們。
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