Pioneer U-05 USB-DAC/Headphone Amplifier 討論區
本帖最後由 jacky622 於 2014-12-16 14:39 編輯Introducing the Pioneer U-05 High-End USB-DAC/Headphone Amplifier
[*] For Journalists
10 July 2014
A true high-end device, designed to extract the best possible sound quality from computer based audio systems, cleverly combined with a ground-breaking headphone amplifier. Please meet the Pioneer U-05...
The all-new Pioneer U-05, which weighs a hefty 6.3 kilograms and is built in solid aluminium, is a no-compromise USB-DAC that is able to play regular PCM signals with a resolution up to 32 bits/384 kHz. It also handles 2.8 MHz and 5.6 MHz DSD-files. The dual Sabre 8-channel DAC is configured for left/right parallel use, while a high precision master clock circuit makes sure jitter and noise have no chance to distort the signal.
Furthermore, the Hi-Bit 32 function is able to requantize incoming 16 and 24 bits signals to 32 bits quality, while the upsampling function allows raising the sampling frequency up to 384 kHz. The U-05 even allows narrowing the DAC locking range at will. This way, collateral sounds and disturbing overtones can be reduced, further raising the quality of the signal.
Filtering The digital filter section has three user selectable settings for PCM signals and three for DSD type signals. This makes it easy for the user to tune the sound character of the U-05 to his own preferences. There is also a Direct function, which bypasses the DSP section entirely.
Input Section The new Pioneer U-05 is not just a USB-DAC. It also has two optical (SPDIF) digital inputs, two coaxial (SPDIF) digital inputs and even an XLR (AES/EBU) input. This way, several digital sources can be connected to the U-05, such as CD players or network audio players. All of these inputs accept PCM signals up to 24 bits/192 kHz. The USB-input handles signals up to 32 bits/384 kHz and is also compatible with 2.8/5.6 MHz DSD-files.
Headphone Amplifier The amplifier section is fully balanced and uses a shielded power transformer with anti-vibration structure, making sure the audio quality is top notch. The XLR-terminals on the front – a set of 3-pin terminals and a single 4-pin terminal – make sure that every headphone, regardless of the architecture and the wiring, can be connected. A full size jack terminal is available as well.
The gain selector (low/high) on the front panel makes sure that almost any headphone system on the market, with a resistance ranging from 16 to 600 Ohms, can be smoothly driven by the U-05. The amplifier delivers 2 x 180mW (32Ω), over the jack port, and even 2 x 300mW (32Ω) when the XLR ports are used. In order to set the volume precisely as needed, the U-05 is equipped with a Fine Adjust rotary knob, which sits next to the regular volume dial. The Fine Adjust setting is also available on the remote.
Pre-amplifier The U-05 can also be deployed as a traditional, high-end pre-amplifier with volume control, using the balanced XLR-outputs or the unbalanced cinch outputs. An easy-to-use infrared remote control is included.
The U-05 USB-DAC/Headphone Amplifier will be available from September.
此機哩度有討論 今日問過行貸 $ &(*)
九月中到貨 要訂先有
都係等有實機聽下先 本帖最後由 jacky622 於 2014-8-16 01:33 編輯
上網搵到兩篇日本仔review 好似都幾正面, C/P高
外國應該未有貨 冇見有review
可以用chrome 翻譯去英文睇 ,翻譯去中文好難睇
由於打算房用, 以10000yen既價錢可以做到 DSD解碼+DAC+耳擴+AMP 的話, 真係幾吸引
希望快d有現貨 試下真身 本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2014-8-16 13:04 編輯
Headphone output 是 180 mW+180 mW Single End 和 300mW+300mW Balanced @32ohm, 咁去到 300ohm 時咪大約有 18mW+18mW 和 30mW+30mW?會唔會細得太過份呢? 用得 3x3pin Balanced 既 headphone 應該有返咁上下要求,咁細 output 似乎有點勉強喎!可以給大家一個 reference, 根據廠方數據,Fiio X3 在 32ohm 時的 headphone output 是 270mW (~135mW+135m),而據我之前的計算,DX100 在 high gain 時, 32ohm 可提供大約 780wW (~390mW+390mW)。 當然推動除了 Voltage 外仲要睇 current, U-05 作為枱機理應在這方面佔盡優勢的,只是奇怪個 voltage 為何會低得咁神奇!
兩粒 9016 和 一粒 9018 比較真係有優勢?我唔介意用 9016 架,我自已部 DAC 都用緊,只是呢個取向有點小見,所以希望有識之仕提供下 insight!
jacky622 發表於 2014-8-15 22:45 static/image/common/back.gif
今日問過行貸 $ &(*)
九月中到貨 要訂先有
期待,有機會ab下佢同oppo那個會好呢? 想請教下: max output 80mW+80mW(32om) / analog output 2Vrms+2Vrms(42k om)
以上兩款數據既關係是怎樣的? 我一直都好想知⋯見討論開搭單問埋⋯ thx! roychong2401 發表於 2014-8-16 12:18 static/image/common/back.gif
想請教下: max output 80mW+80mW(32om) / analog output 2Vrms+2Vrms(42k om)
以上兩款數據既關係是怎樣的 ...
由輸出電平可以計算出在不同負載 (ohm) 下的輸出功率。相關的 Formula 是
W= V^2 / R
但 42kOhm? Andykong 發表於 2014-8-16 13:08 static/image/common/back.gif
由輸出電平可以計算出在不同負載 (ohm) 下的輸出功率。相關的 Formula 是
W= V^2 / R
係42k ohm呀⋯呢個係venturecraft typjoon既spec...
ching 好專業
anyway 點都要親自聽先可以知是龍定蟲