chhanthony 發表於 2014-8-13 07:46

神武光輝 發表於 2014-8-13 06:17 static/image/common/back.gif
應該要等下一款先有dts UHD,問你點追
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

加埋Auro 3d 要玩3組喇叭{:1_262:}

chhanthony 發表於 2014-8-13 07:55


Here is a little something I read recently on Atmos with a Dolby engineer

There are so many different sizes of cinema, can they all use Atmos effectively?
We know Atmos can serve discrete audio to up to 64 speakers, so what’s the minimum speaker configuration for Atmos?

“Well really it’s dependent on the size of the room," explains Goodes. "It’s to do with the angle between the speakers. You wouldn’t want less than five down the side walls, then you’ve got two rows of five on the ceiling and possibly four along the back and you can have only three along the front in a small room. You’ve also got your bass managed subs."

What other technologies are Dolby employing to develop Atmos?
The end game with sound is, of course, the speaker by which it’s ultimately transmitted. With sound dispersion angles being different for different makes of speakers, we asked if they’d collaborated with any of the speaker manufacturers to develop an Atmos-friendly design?

"We’ve worked with companies like JBL, Klipsch, QSC, etc., and for the overheads we typically want a wider dispersion than we normally have on the side or rear wall surround speakers," says Dolby’s Stuart Bowling. "So companies like JBL, Christie and Klipsch have started to design and release specific overhead surround speakers that have that wider dispersion pattern. We like 100˚ x 100˚or greater dispersion pattern. They are also manufacturing those speakers with regards to helping mounting them in ceilings as well."

We also asked what's recommended for cinemas in terms of sub woofers for LFE (low frequency effects) and sub bass response?

“In a theater, typically in the back third, or the sides or the ceiling we put the additional subs, or even on the rear wall for theaters that can’t accommodate those scenarios," says Bowling. "We’ve had theaters that have actually put them behind the screen, but left and right – away from the main LFE. Each configuration, or array, is, understandably, specifically tailored to suit the particular room in which it’s installed."

HenryYuan 發表於 2014-8-16 14:28


HenryYuan 發表於 2014-8-19 11:36

KL-7502-THX In-Ceiling Speaker

yuppi 發表於 2014-8-19 13:33

究竟係人玩機, 定係機玩人, 係時候自己諗諗....{:1_343:}
頁: 1 [2]
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